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Indybay Feature

TURKEY reforming its Penal Code

by SUN
New penal code doesn't mention queers, according to Turkish newspapers.
Last week, the Turkish Parliament "approved all but two articles"
of a reformed Penal Code,
hoping to please the European Union.

Two major Turkish parties still disagree over whether or not
to criminalize adultery.

[ For details, please see: ]

SUN wondered:

Does this penal-code revision affect homosexual acts?

So, on 21 Sept., we emailed reporter
Mark Bentley, in Ankara, and asked
"Does the revised code change Turkish law
with regard to homosexual acts ?"


Bentley very helpfully replied,
on the same day:

thanks for your question.
I haven't had time to study every article
of the penal code,
but several Turkish newspapers have said
the code doesn't mention

Best regards,
Mark "


SUN's comment:

We're very grateful to Mark Bentley
for his rapid reply.

We HOPE this non-mention
means that the new Penal Code
WON'T criminalize sexual acts between
two (or more) adults of the same sex.

If so, then
no mention
is good news.


PS 1:
If anyone can find more detailed info,
please post it to queer page of;
as a comment on this posting.
PS 2:
Please see also the website of "Turks.US":

"Adultery clause costing Turkey dear":

[ ]


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