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Indybay Feature

Headwaters Reunion (read this one)

by Shunka Wakan (shunka_2004 [at]
Join us for a Headwaters Reunion, Sept. 13th-17th, at Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park Campgrounds.
Hello! We'd like to invite you all to a Headwaters Reunion, from September 13th through September 17th, 2004, at Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park Campground.
We'd like to extend this invitation to EVERYONE who has ever been involved with the Headwaters campaign, throughout the years, and we hope that many of you can make it.
During this week, we will be having skill-shares, story-telling, good food, good music, and more...
We'll be having a rally on September 15th, the traditional Headwaters rally day, which is also the end of marbled murellet nesting season, a.k.a. the beginning of old growth redwood logging season.
September 17th will mark the six-year anniversary of the death of David Nathan "Gypsy" Chain, and we will be having a Gypsy Memorial on that day, as well.
Sept. 13th-17th is also the week between the Trinity Tribal Stomp and EarthDance festivals, so come and camp with us on your way from the Tribal Stomp to EarthDance.
Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park is on Highway 36, just south of Fortuna, from highway 101.
You can take highway 36 from the Trinity Tribal Stomp to Grizzly Creek State Park, camp with us for the week, and then head on to EarthDance.
"Gypsy Mountain" is immediately adjacent to Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park. This is the area where David Nathan "Gypsy" Chain was killed, on Sept. 17th, 1998, when an enraged Maxxam/Pacific Lumber Co. logger intentionally fell tress towards a group of non-violent North Coast Earth First! activists.
"Aradia" is one of the last Old Growth Redwoods on Gypsy Mountain, and is currently marked to be cut, by Maxxam/PL, and currently occupied, by North Coast Earth First!
This tree-sit has been ongoing for over 2 & 1/2 years now, and has been defended, off and on, for over six years.
Gypsy was one of the first people to climb Aradia, and there were activists in Aradia at the moment of Gypsy's death.
For these and many more reasons, we are asking Maxxam/Pacific Lumber to add Aradia to the existing Gypsy Memorial, which was established during an out-of-court settlement to the wrongful death civil suit, which was filed and won by Gypsy family. The memorial was established in 2001, and Aradia was marked to be cut within weeks of the settlement. The tree-sit was re-started in January of 2002.
We sincerely hope that we can celebrate the addition of Aradia to the Gypsy Memorial this September 17th, 2004.

So please come and join us for this historic reunion, and feel free to call or e-mail if you need any more information.

We hope to see you there! Come one, come all!
Hopefully we can have a pepper spray trial victory party as well;)

No compromise in defense of Mother Earth!
Earth First!
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by Activist
What is the cost of camping at this place? I'll be a little low on funds, and need to now so i can budget my trip. It all sounds like a good time, I'm hoping to do some protesting(before it is outlawed), but I don't want to get arrested. Does that sound o. k. to you?
by bigg
Don't worry about the cost, just show up.
And remember" Part of civil disobediance is the willingness to be arrested" So show up, eat, camp, protest, lock down, and get a ride all the way back to Eureka for only 10 bucks. Payable to the courts of course
by The Poison Oakie
Shouldn't a Headwaters reunion take place at the headwaters reserve?
Perhaps Mr. Wilson is just trying to attract a crowd on a bit of misinformation. Why not call is a David Chain Reunion? Can't get a big enough crowd? Gotta get the dollars somewhere I guess.
by anonymous
Saturday they felled Aradia, Grizzly Creek needs you!!
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