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Indybay Feature

Save the Planet

by Joy Boisvert (saving_gaia [at]
Medical Intuitive, Energy Healer, Bringing Divine
Guidance Into Daily Life
Joy Boisvert

Medical Intuitive, Energy Healer, Bringing Divine
Guidance Into Daily Life

This is a time of great significance for our planet.
Forces of darkness working through human beings have
put our entire planet into serious danger. We have an
opportunity to make a difference, for ourselves, our
friends and family and ultimately, the entire world we
live in. The time is now. Joy has a unique ability and
message to share with those who are ready to listen.

Joy began as a massage therapist and was then trained
in Body Talk and became a Body Talk instructor.
As she continued her practice of massage and Body Talk
she found that she was listening to the body, but
bypassing many of the more tedious aspects of Body
Talk. She began using her hands to move energy through
the body, facilitating faster healing. She didn?t
consciously plan or control this, it happened through
her openness to allow healing to come through her.

As Joy'?s healing processes strengthened and evolved
she learned that she was also a conduit for angelic
angels and divine consciousness who would speak
through her to get this information out to people who
wanted to heal the planet, as well as their own
bodies, minds, and spirits.

saving_gaia [at]
stephandukes [at]
joyboisvert [at]
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