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Missourians vote for bigotry

by repost
On 3 August 2004, Missouri voters overwhelmingly approve a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriages.
Tuesday, August 3, 2004—
[St. Louis, Missouri, Post-Dispatch]

Gay marriage ban gets voter OK
By Matt Franck
Of the Post-Dispatch

Missouri voters gave resounding approval to an amendment to the state constitution banning gay marriage, putting the nation on notice that similar proposed bans in other states could be difficult to defeat.

The Missouri Constitution will now state that ``to be valid and recognized in this state a marriage shall exist only between a man and a woman.''


Early returns showed the ban winning by a ratio of more than 2-to-1. Missouri's vote on the amendment has attracted nationwide interest from people on both sides of the issue. The state is the first to vote on the matter this election season, with seven set to follow suit by November.

State constitutions have become the battleground of the gay marriage debate, after an anti-gay marriage amendment to the U.S. Constitution failed in the Senate last month.

The wide margin may be especially noteworthy given that the Democrats outnumbered the Republicans at the polls Tuesday, as a result of the hotly contested Democratic gubernatorial primary.

Opponents of the gay marriage ban said they were discouraged by the results but proud of their campaign.

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by grannygear

An ABC soap opera, One Life To Live,
recently addressed the issue of gay marriage.

A straight brother and sister have a gay brother in the army [......].
The sister got a phone call from the gay brother, telling her he's leaving the army and marrying his lover of 2 years.
The straight brother is definitely not pleased. He
didn't care if his brother was gay, but marriage
"is between a man and a woman."
The straight sister is very happy that her brother found someone he loves and can spend his life with; having always been proud of who he is.
The straight brother says "Do you want to help kill our father?". The sister tells him their father is just going to have to learn to change with the times.

A closeted college student overhears this
conversation, and it prompts him to come out....

What do you think about sending a
letter to One Life To Live, commending them for
addressing this issue?
Remember, ...... ABC is Disney!

--- terrie frye [grannygear1]

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