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Indybay Feature

Recall Submitted

by SF Bayview Newspaper (editor [at]
Recall petitons of Sophie Maxwell submitted
Today at about 12:45 p.m., recall petitions with some 5,000 signatures of registered voters in District 10, the southeast sector of San Francisco, were submitted for certification to the Department of Elections. The people of District 10 want to choose a new Supervisor Nov. 2.

Now we learn from P.J. Corkery in the Examiner this morning that Mayor Newsom may be planning to take that choice away from the voters. The mayor, Corkery reports, wants to make current District 10 Supervisor Sophie Maxwell San Francisco’s new treasurer and appoint Kimiko Burton to replace her as the representative of District 10.

Corkery concludes, though, that “now that it’s out in the open, it could all go sideways.”

All the District 10 citizens we’ve heard from call on the mayor to hold his fire. Wait ‘til Nov. 2, just over 100 days, until the people can make their own choice.

Usurping the right of District 10 voters to choose our own representative is a plan that needs to “go sideways,” right out the door.

Mary Ratcliff, Editor

San Francisco Bay View

(415) 671-0789

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by, (patmurph1 [at]
Contrary to published Examiner report, Supervisor Sophie Maxwell will not accept appointment as City Treasurer if the post is offered by Mayor Gavin Newsom, her office told the Sentinel this morning.
Pat Murphy, Editor & Publisher
230 Eddy Street #811
San Francisco, CA 94102-6522
by, (patmurph1 [at]
Contrary to published Examiner report, Supervisor Sophie Maxwell will not accept appointment as City Treasurer if the post is offered by Mayor Gavin Newsom, her office told the Sentinel this morning.
Pat Murphy, Editor & Publisher
230 Eddy Street #811
San Francisco, CA 94102-6522
by Bob Dylan (Should have listened to your voters)
Maxwell How does it feel no direction home like a rolling stone?
by design
Kimiko Burton:

1. Daughter of State Senator John Burton.

2. Goddaughter of Willie Brown.

3. Keeps getting appointed by the Political Machine into well-paying jobs for which she has few or no qualifications. Sometimes these jobs are actually created for her.

4. Loses by wide margin when she tries to actually run for office.

The repeated appointment of Kimiko Burton into cushy, high-paying jobs is just another reminder of the crass, overt corruption of the local Democratic Party political machine.

If anyone was stupid enough to believe the BS from Newsom that he would magically be different from Willie Brown and the Backroom Boys, this should knock some sense into ya.
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