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Zionists' Shenigans Ad Nauseum

by anti-Zionist
Looking for an alternative to mainstream media when getting the real deal on what's happening in Palestine-Israel? Check out the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. It's only something like $29 a year for this excellent monthly magazine.
Here are some tidbits from the “Washington Report on Middle East Affairs”, July/August issue I thought you all might be interested in:

More on Israeli spies in the USA:

Reported May 9th,, in Charlotte Observer : two Israeli men in a rented moving truck were arrested by Tennessee authorities following a high-speed chase.  They had false identification, threw something out of the window during the chase, and had a “Learn to Fly” brochure in their truck.

Something positive for a change:

Pro-Palestinian activists have been trying to educate the U.S. about “the negative impact of  Sharon’s security policies on Christians in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.”  Result:  Rep. Hyde sent letter to Colin Powell about the situation and the Catholic bishops and Christian Ecumenical Foundation sent letters to President Bush.

Yet another incident of a Jew staging fake "anti-Semitic" acts:

The head of French Friends of Israel’s Likud Party admitted staging anti-Semitic phone calls and threats to himself. Got probation and $1,000 fine from French court.

Look what Zionist money can buy:

At AIPAC’s Chicago conference, “The Israel Summit – Tools for Action”, 650 Jewish American college students were flown in at the expense of just three local businessmen to train them to fight anti-Zionism on the U.S. campuses.

A "self-hating" Jew is hated by Zionists:

Ames Iowa’s Public Library sponsored a Palestinian Film Festival sponsored by Henry Herskovitz, a local Jew,  who wants “Midwesterners to think about the Israeli occupation.”  The local Zionists called the fire department to complain the library was overcrowded (it wasn’t) and disrupt the film. The fire department complied.

To keep current on all this, consider subscribing to Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. It's an excellent, reliable publication on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict without the Zionist bias that you find in most mainstream media.

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