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Indybay Feature

Do merely 42 senators support anti-marriage amendment?

by Liberty
If original version of anti-marriage amendment had faced direct vote in Senate, it might have received as few as 42 votes. Procedural motion got 48 votes.
Do merely 42 senators really support anti-marriage amendment?

On July 14, in a procedural vote (to end debate), 48 senators voted Yes.

Based on that vote, I wrongly assumed that all 48 would also vote Yes on the constitutional amendment.

However, a San Francisco Chronicle follow-up, published July 15, suggests that several of the 48, perhaps as many as six,
would have voted No on the amendment itself, if it had been voted upon directly.

So maybe there are only 42 solid votes, in today's U.S. Senate,
for writing bigotry into our nation's Constitution?

If so, I'm delighted.

-- Tortuga Bi LIBERTY,
Thursday, 15 July 2004

For details, please see:
[ ]

PS 1: I predict that each suceeding Congress will contain fewer solid votes for this queer-bashing federal amendment, not more.
[ On the other hand, several states may write bigotry into their STATE constitutions, this year. ]

PS 2: Meanwhile here's a

compiled by SaveFreedom, sfBarea, and SUN.

Please FORWARD freely, as appropriate.

JULY 2004:

CAL: SF____ (mid to late July?) Nude yoga demos at Fisherman's Wharf ????

CAL: SF: July 24, Sat. eve: "Perverts Put Out" readings. Clothing optional.
[ ]

MASS: Boston: July 25, Sunday, starting around 12 noon at Boston Commons:
demonstration(s) near Democratic Party national convention.
Make and bring your own equal-rights signs!
Wear wedding costumes?

For frequent updates, please visit Boston Indymedia
( )

CAL: SF: July 25, Sunday, daytime:
Demonstrate nude for peace at clothing-optional Dore Alley Fair.
MASS, Boston: 26-29 July: Democratic Party national convention
disrupts traffic and feeds terror fears in Boston area.
[ ]

AUGUST 2004:

CAL: Aug. 1st: SF, Cable 29: "Outlook" [queer news], first Sunday, 5pm.

GREECE: circa 13 August 2004:

Will Athens Olympics distract U.S. voters from political issues?
Or will Al Qaeda terrorists strike Athens to help Bush get elected?

Why would terrorists want Bush, whom they despise, to rule the USA?
Because he stupidly falls for their tricks
and plays into their hands;
thus alienating potential allies
and energizing potential opponents.
CAL: circa Aug. 23: By this date, California Supreme Court might hand down a decision
about whether San Francisco city-county officials
acted illegally when they issued same-sex marriage licenses
(in SF's historic "Winter of Love", February-March 2004).

MASS.: 25-29 Aug.: 2nd LGBTI Health Summit, in liberal Cambridge.
[ ]

USA: Washington, DC: Aug/Sept:
U.S. House Republican leaders may stage a vote on the anti-marriage amendment,
in late August or in September.
There's no chance of this fascist amendment getting approval from two-thirds of the House,
at least not this year.
This vote would just be another election stunt, aiming to influence the November election.

NEW YORK: Aug. 30 - Sept. 2: NYC: Republican National Convention will attempt to
exploit a nation's traumatic memories of 9-11-2001, by portraying the
Bush regime as effectively "fighting terror". Some protesters will claim that Iraq War
has drained resources away from fighting Al Qaeda and similar groups.
Others will raise many issues, including equal marriage rights.
Meanwhile, Cheney decides whether to seek a second term as veep.
[ His poor health allows him to retire, without embarrassment,
at any moment. ]


USA: (NYC?): Sept. 1: Mass PANTY-FLASHING by "the Axis of Eve":
at 3pm, one hundred women in trench-coats will perform a group flashing
of their slogan-bearing panties, to protest against the Bush regime.
For details of event, and to buy protest panties, please visit website
[ ]
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