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Initiative one state in Palestine/Israel

by aldeeb (aldeeb@bluewin)
Final declaration of Lausanne conference
English / French / German
Initiative for One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel

The conference to promote the Initiative for One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel took place at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, on June 23-25, 2004. The participants, drawn from different nationalities and religions inside and outside Palestine/Israel, adopted the following Declaration.

The Initiative for One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel aims to remedy the tragic consequences of the forced partition of the territory in 1948 that led to dispossession, further occupation and chronic conflict beyond the region.

The Initiative for One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel aims to change the political organization of the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean, basing this on full sovereignty and equality for all the inhabitants and also for the Palestinian refugees since 1948 and their heirs. This is to be done on the basis of one person one vote, and in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and standards of international law. It is proposed that full measures be implemented to enable the Palestinian refugees to return to the homeland and receive lawful restitution and compensation. All the inhabitants should be entitled to purchase, lease and rent land and housing in the entire territory of Palestine/Israel.

Recognizing the difficulties of implementing the one-state solution in the present circumstances, the initiative aims:
1) to support all efforts at ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land,
2) to promote the one-state idea amongst Israeli and Palestinian communities.

The conference looks to the international community to assist in these efforts. We believe that the one democratic state is the best vehicle for achieving the full political, economic and security interests of all inhabitants of the new State.

The Association for one Democratic State in Palestine/Israel, assisted by representatives from the member groups of the Collective for peace in Palestine/Israel will ensure follow-up of relevant activities worldwide, including Palestine/Israel, and will try to muster international support for these activities. A follow-up meeting is envisaged in the near future.

Lausanne, June 26, 2004.

Contact address:
E-mail: aldeeb [at]

Initiative pour un seul État Démocratique en Palestine/Israël

La Conférence pour la promotion de l'Initiative pour un seul État démocratique en Palestine/Israël a eu lieu à l'Université de Lausanne, en Suisse, du 23 au 25 juin 2004. Les participants, provenant de différentes nationalités et religions de l'intérieur et de l'extérieur de Palestine/Israël ont adopté la déclaration suivante.

Le but de l'Initiative pour un seul État démocratique en Palestine/Israël est de remédier aux conséquences tragiques de la division forcée en 1948 qui a conduit à la dépossession, occupation ultérieure et un conflit permanent dans la région et au-delà.

L'Initiative pour un seul État démocratique en Palestine/Israël vise à changer le système politique du territoire entre le Jourdain et la Méditerranée sur la base d'une pleine souveraineté de tous les résidents, y compris les réfugiés Palestiniens depuis 1948 et leurs héritiers. Ceci se réalise par l'application du principe "une personne une voix", et le respect de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme et des normes du droit international. Il est proposé que toutes les mesures soient prises pour permettre le retour des réfugiés palestiniens dans leur terre d'origine et obtenir restitution et compensation conformément au droit. Tous les résidents devraient pouvoir acheter ou louer logements et terres sur tout le territoire de la Palestine/Israël.

Reconnaissant les difficultés d'appliquer la solution d'un seul État dans les circonstances actuelles, l'initiative vise à
1) soutenir tous les efforts pour mettre fin à l'occupation israélienne de la terre palestinienne,
2) promouvoir l'idée d'un seul État parmi les communautés israélienne et palestinienne.

La Conférence compte sur la communauté internationale pour soutenir ses efforts. Nous croyons que la création d'un seul État démocratique est le meilleur moyen pour réaliser les intérêts politiques, économiques et de sécurité pour tous les habitants de ce nouvel État.

L'Association pour un seul État démocratique en Palestine/Israël, aidée par des représentants des groupes membres du Collectif pour la paix en Palestine/Israël assurera le suivi des activités pertinentes à travers le monde, y compris Palestine/Israël, et mobilisera un soutien international pour ces activités. On fera le bilan de cette initiative lors d'une rencontre de suivi envisagée dans un proche avenir.

Lausanne, le 26 juin 2004.

Adresse pour le contact
E-mail: aldeeb [at]

Initiative für einen einzigen demokratischen Staat in Palästina/Israel

Die Konferenz mit dem Ziel, die Initiative für einen einzigen demokratischen Staat in Palästina/Israel zu fördern, fand statt in der Universität von Lausanne, Schweiz, am 23.-24. Juni 2004. Die Teilnehmer aus verschiedenen Nationen und Religionen innerhalb und außerhalb Palästinas/Israels nahmen folgende Erklärung an.

Die Initiative für einen einzigen demokratischen Staat in Palästina/Israel zielt darauf, die tragischen Folgen der gewaltsamen Teilung des Landes im Jahre 1948 zu heilen, die zu Enteignung, weiterer Besetzung und einem chronischen Konflikt über die Region hinaus geführt hat.

Die Initiative für einen einzigen demokratischen Staat in Palästina/Israel zielt darauf, die politische Organisation des Landes zwischen Jordan und Mittelmehr zu ändern, indem sie sie auf die volle Souveränität und Gleichheit für alle Einwohner und ebenso für die palästinensischen Flüchtlinge seit 1948 und ihre Erben gründet. Dies hat zu geschehen auf der Grundlage von „ein Mensch, eine Stimme“ und in Übereinstimmung mit der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte und den Standards des Völkerrechts. Es wird vorgeschlagen, entschlossene Maßnahmen zu verwirklichen, um die palästinensischen Flüchtlinge in die Lage zu versetzen, in ihr Heimatland zurückzukehren und Wiedereinsetzung in ihre Rechte und Schadensersatz zu erhalten. Alle Einwohner sollen berechtigt sein, Land und Häuser im gesamten Gebiet von Palästina/Israel zu kaufen und zu pachten.

In Anbetracht der Schwierigkeiten, die Eine-Staat-Lösung unter den gegenwärtigen Umständen zu verwirklichen, ist die Initiative bestrebt
1) alle Bemühungen zu unterstützen, die israelische Besatzung von palästinensischen Land zu beenden,
2) die Eine-Staat-Idee in israelischen und palästinensischen Kreisen zu fördern.

Die Konferenz erhofft von der internationalen Gemeinschaft Hilfe in diesen Bemühungen. Wir glauben, daß ein einziger demokratischer Staat das beste Mittel ist, um die vollen politischen, wirtschaftlichen und Sicherheitsinteressen aller Einwohner des neuen Staats zu gewährleisten.

Die Gesellschaft für einen demokratischen Staat in Palästina/Israel, mit Unterstützung von Vertretern aus Mitgliedsgruppen des Kollektivs für Frieden in Palästina/Israel, wird einschlägige Folge-Aktivitäten in aller Welt, einschließlich Palästina/Israel, sicherstellen und wird versuchen, internationale Unterstützung für diese Aktivitäten zu organisieren. Ein Folgetreffen ist für die nahe Zukunft ins Auge gefaßt.

Lausanne, 26. Juni 2004.

E-mail: aldeeb [at]

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by Mike (stepbystepfarm <a>
1) to support all efforts at ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land,
2) to promote the one-state idea amongst Israeli and Palestinian communities.

Aren't those contradictory? If it's "one land", then the Israelis aren't "occupying Palestinian land" but land that is equally their own and the objection should be PURELY about full political rights for the Palestinians in Israel-Palestine.

If it IS "Palestinian" land being occupied, then doesn't the second point come across as "what's mine is mine, and what is thine, that is mine also" ?

Try reversing the order of the demands and then make the "end the occupation" explicitly "if we can't have one state". THAT at,least would keep them from being contradictory (we want X, but failing that, at least Y is OK even when X and Y together make no sense).
by Robert Sprye (beowulf [at]

True enough. The purpose is ultimately one democratic state for all peoples living in Palestine. The wording could have been more precise, to be sure.

A so called "two state" solution will never see the light of day simply because it is seen by so many to be what it in actuality would be:

--an apartheid mutation of the very concept of equality

-- acceptance to the outright denial of human rights
of millions of innocent people.

- a clear admission of the inability of different social spheres
within Semitic culture to abolish racism

-- a blatant example of oiligarchian destabilization at work;
in essence institutionalizing ethnic cleansing, apartheid,
and racism and calling it a "solution". Hmmm. I remember
that word from somewhere, sometime, someone, else...

Compare it to the civil rights movement; why is it that our solution (that of granting the semblance of equality in a single state of many diverse cultures and peoples) did not entail the creation of "two states"? We even fought our bloodiest war in American history (in terms of deaths caused) in order to stop a so called "two state" solution initiated by some of us at an earlier time, remember?

I do not have to be told about the differences between the two regions, I am merely asserting that institutionalized apartheid will not prove to be a solution, but it will in all likelihood become the cause of multiple border disputes, incursions, threats, posturing, and possibly open war. Probably concerning water & free access, not oil & pipelines.
by Critical Thinker
>>>"A so called "two state" solution will never see the light of day simply because it is seen by so many to be what it in actuality would be:

--an apartheid mutation of the very concept of equality"<<<

Such a solution may very well never come true. If it doesn't, it would be because a critical mass of Palestinian resolve to marginalize Palestinian obstructionism - especially among the leaders (both secular and religious) - hasn't formed. Terrorism is but one facet of this obstructionism.

The Palestinian state Arafat rejected back in '00 wouldn't have been an "apartheid mutation", though I know the rabid anti-Zionists don't have any regard to this fact.

>>>"a clear admission of the inability of different social spheres within Semitic culture to abolish racism "<<<

Wrong again. A two-state solution doesn't necessarily constitute such an "admission". Barak's proposal wasn't.
Needless to say, there is no actual "Semitic culture", just as there's no one Germanic culture.

>>>" essence institutionalizing ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and racism and calling it a "solution"................"<<<

Same as above. (Gosh, how repetitive and boring...)

>>>"Compare it to the civil rights movement; why is it that our solution (that of granting the semblance of equality in a single state of many diverse cultures and peoples) did not entail the creation of "two states"? We even fought our bloodiest war in American history (in terms of deaths caused) in order to stop a so called "two state" solution initiated by some of us at an earlier time, remember? I do not have to be told about the differences between the two regions"<<<

Oh ho...the multitude of differences! We really shouldn't get started on that...

>>>"I am merely asserting that institutionalized apartheid will not prove to be a solution,"<<<

Neither will turning a blind eye to the factors that currently enable Palestinian racism, hatred and belligerence.

PS: at this point I'm not addressing Sprye and will keep refraining from so doing until I see sufficient evidence proving he's a bit more than an intellectual featherweight (for want of a better term) in dealing with themes pertaining in any manner to Israel and Zionism. At this juncture it'd be pointless for him to try and strike up a conversation.
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