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Israel Day Protest at Giants' Stadium: June 6th

by Bill Carpenter (wcarpent [at]
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by great work, Bill
Thanks for documenting this most important movement of our times. God bless you. And long live Palestine! Free Free Palestine!
by joe webb
Folks, I can't seem to pull up the comments section here, so, I'll post without having read what appears above.

SFindymedia has basically called for my lynching, and comments there (I am banned by the free-speech editor, unnamed, reflect the call. One post fantasizes baseball bats, strong boots, and death to the evil-doer. They posted my address but got it wrong, so another joe webb will be in for a surprize perhaps) reflect the authorization of the Editor/killer.

In my Uncle Sam routine, they swastika is embedded in the Israeli Flag, not the star of david as a religious symbol. However, if you want to read Deuteronomy, Joshua, Leviticus, Isaiah's swords-into-ploughshares (for a laugh, as the preceding verses state that only after the gentile nations submit to Judah will the swords be morphed, then read Amos, for another jewish joke, i guess, about converting the ploughshares back into swords to police the gentile nations.) So I muted my criticism, and, to be fair, Jewish Conservative and Reform movements have moderated some of the incipient fascism/racism/chosen people themes of the Torah. Bear in mind that the religious in Israel are 100% Orthodox, for whom the Talmud is law, and, wow, there is lots of goy-hating in there!

My "I want you to die for Israel" routine is about the Neocon takeover of US foreign policy.The war is a war for Israel, not an oil war. The Financial Times has had a number of articles on oil recently. There is over 100 years of oil and natural gas in the ground right now, and more on the way due to technology. They say, "We are running into oil, not out of it." Therefore how can one say that this is an oil war , given the enormous costs of war and the political fallout, enraged Arabs and Muslims, hostile Europeans, etc?. Oil will remain cheap until at least 2025, according to a US Dept of Energy recent analysis.

It is however a war for Israel / US joint domination of the middle east. Not all imperial wars are about narrow greed. Nationalism has a dynamic of 'the will to power'; Israeli nationalism is fundmentally Euphrates-to-the-Nile, per David Ben-Gurion and other zio notables . US
nationalism is power, religion, revenge for 9-11, and economic gain as well.

Centrist papers, espec. the Financial Times, have had lots of news on Iraq resuming control of its oil and oil infrastrastructure. Privatization, if any, will be done after elections and assent from Iraqis. How can this be an oil war if the US does not get any oil out of the deal?

How can this be an oil-war if a free Iraq controls and owns its oil?.

Third, centrist news sources, but not the left, except for a very few articles by Robert Dreyfuss and Vest(?) in Mother Jones and The Nation, have been covering the Neoconservative takeover of the Bush Administration. (see Jeff Blankfort's "A War for Israel" in Left Curve, a SF journal, which uses mostly these centrist sources for his piece.) If you are not up to speed on the neocons, it is because you are reading only left sources on the war. Centrist sources , especially right now, are reporting heavily on the neocons. The neocons are fanatic , likudnik Jews, with family and political ties to Israel. Douglas Feith has had a law office in Jerusalem. Perle and Wolfowitz have written and planned strategy with Sharon.

However, re the neocons, the left generally does not report on them, especially, Amy Goodman, Chomsky, etc, who refuse to talk about AIPAC, Jewish Power, (like the over 50% funding of the Dems. according to Seymour Martin Lipset, a jewish sociologist) or the neocons, except in the most minimal way. They are 'distracting, diverting, and deceiving', ditto, Bensky, etc. at KPFA, (Bernstein is not too bad, but he watches it too) .

Another factor is the refusal to deal with the non-oil-war nature of this war is communistthink, or, economism. Economism is the single focus on economics. No national, ethnic, religious factors here. Nope. (Re the ethnic-Jewish factor, the leftish Jews never called for a 2 state solution to South Africa. But they call for it in Palestine. Why? South Africa arguably had a strong case for 2 states-whites 4 or 5 times outnumbered by Blacks; Whites , what? 200 years in south Africa, etc.
And, a large racial difference and cultural difference. But , Jews, who are very ethnocentric by the way, think 2 states for Palestine is just dandy. give the arabs back 22% of the land the zionists stole in '48 and then, Palestinians, please shut up)

Anyway, Economism is a big factor. Also leftthink cannot deal with ethnic factors except to embrace 'diversity'. Israel cannot be
understood in marxist terms (and I have tried). Israel is Ethnic and National.

Finally, in this not well penned piece as I am upset, various Jewish authors which I cited in my purged piece in might be useful . Benjamin Ginsberg, The Fatal Embrace, l993, for a look at Jewish power written by a Jewish zionist, Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators, for the history of the Jabotinsky Revisionist movevent which spawnedJewish terrorism: Begin and Shamir, and Netanyahu, and Sharon. Jabotinsky's Betar militia was modeled on Mussolini, hence Stern gang and Irgun, etc. Then there is Israel Shahak's Jewish History;Jewish Religion for a concise history of israeli fascism, he himself uses the term "judeonazis". Ze'ev Sternhell's Foundation Myths of Israel, for an exhaustive history of Histradrut and early Israel when it was just a colony. Sternhell uses the term "nationalist socialism" to describe Zionism. He obviously shied away from 'national socialism' for fear of his own local baseball bat wielding
zionazis. Then there is the zionist Benni Morris' Righteous Victims, which is a great general history of Israel, including the '48 war. Morris pretty much tells the truth, and then justifies all these crimes he has written about, in the name of Jewish supremacism. These authors are all Jewish.

There are many more books, but these are the essentials. Try Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique for a rundown on Jewish influence on the left and other intellectual/social movements in the 20thCentury.

Left intellectual bankruptcy (ch. ll continues to allow the sinking ship of the left to drift on) , particularly the leninist left, is complete. If the left is to reconstitute itself, it will be when leninism is dead, Che Guevaraism romance has faded, Castro's crackdown on Mom and Pop backyard cafes is seen as just stupid, North Korean or Cuban personal dynasties (Raul, Fidel's brother, is to inherit the leninist mantle, no elections please, Leftist Dynasties! ..-uh-huh. etc, are perceived as atavistic primal horde behavior, and when, Jews on the left are perceived as working primarily for Israel and continued Jewish domination of the left.

by IMCista
"SFindymedia has basically called for my lynching, and comments there (I am banned by the free-speech editor, unnamed, reflect the call. One post fantasizes baseball bats, strong boots, and death to the evil-doer. They posted my address but got it wrong, so another joe webb will be in for a surprize perhaps) reflect the authorization of the Editor/killer."

Please site what you are talking about. We neither endorse nor encourage any posting like this. If your comment or post was hidden it was based on the content of your post. We do not ban individuals from posting.

by gehrig
Here's nessie at SF-IMC, making comments Joe Webb and what nessie makes clear would like to happen:

"He needs to be dealt with somehow, if not with violence, then some way else. He cannot be simply ignored. For the anti-Zionist movement to succeed, it must bend over backward to distance itself from despicable scum like this. They must not only be ostracized, but it must be done publicly and loud, whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself, and by any means necessary. ... No, this is not a call for violence. That would be illegal. It would also be unnecessary. Those who are willing and able to commit violence against anti-Semites need no encouragement from us. They are going to do it, or not, whatever we say. And that’s as it should be. The decision to use violence or not should be made by the people directly involved, not the rest of us."

Compare that with Matt Hale, the white supremicist who is now serving a 20-year sentence for inciting the murder of Judge Lefkow:

"Later, according to prosecutors, Hale asked about the Lefkow address and was told: "I'm working on it. When we get it, we can exterminate the rat." "Good," Hale was quoted as saying on the tape, which was not played in court. "Whatever you want to do, basically." Prosecutors also quoted Hale as saying: "You know my position has always been that I'm going to fight within the law, but that information has been provided. If you wish to do anything yourself you can."

Now, if he's true to form, "racist" nessie will start screaming like the Countdown Clown in "Yellow Submarine" that I'm defending an antisemite against a not particularly veiled thread of violence and that must mean that the earth is banana-shaped.

by joe webb
HI, I don't understand what you are asking. Site? It was the flap resulting from my post on my Uncle Sam routine and, sfindymedia editor putting out a call for my relative lynching. I have never posted on an indy before this, so I could use some instruction. thanks, Joe
by Leftist and Jewish
I've seen this guy at peace protests for a while now. He strikes me as someone who decided he didn't like Jews first, and then came up with a bunch of defenses for it when challenged. Trust me, whatever your particular religion is, I bet there's some crazy sh*t in it. You could pull random quotes out of the Old Testament, New Testament, or Koran and justify anything you wanted to.

You honestly expected some positive result out of dressing up like Uncle Sam and festooning yourself with swastikas? Not exactly the basis for a nuanced and intellectual discussion, dude.

"However, re the neocons, the left generally does not report on them,"

It's astounding to me that you can make this statement. Do you actually read anything by "the left"? Alternet, Salon, and countless liberal bloggers have certainly covered this ground. And Jews certainly do not march in lockstep. You've either never seen, Heeb Magazine, and the book "Wrestling With Zion", or you've decided to ignore them and other liberal Jewish sources because they don't fit your mental image of Jews.

"in this not well penned piece as I am upset"

You have inflicted your disgusting hatred upon people at what are supposed to be PEACE marches.

So cry me a river. You deserve to be upset.
by GENUINE anti-racist
Joe Webb is well-known in the Bay Area as a neo-Nazi activist working closely with similar subhuman filth such as National Alliance organizer Wendy Klanbell. His anti-Jewish rantings above are yet another example of his facistic attitudes and propensity towards racist incitement.
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