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Indybay Feature

Vegetarian/raw foods lecture & hands-on recipe making class

Saturday, June 05, 2004
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Event Type:
Trevor Levine
Location Details:
4:00pm, Saturday, June 5 - Elizabeth Bechtel’s house, 633 Glenwood Isle in Alameda

5:00pm, Sunday, June 6 - Jillian Love’s house, 5125 Leona Street in Oakland (near Mills College)

4:00pm, Saturday, June 19 - Leora Hava’s house, 2805 Bristol Road in Kenwood (east Santa Rosa). This class will be co-taught by Leora, with a special theme: “Celebrate the summer solstice by bringing more light into your body”.

5:00pm, Sunday, July 11 - Trevor Levine’s house, 1207 Haskell Street in Berkeley

If you’re attracted to vegetarian or raw foods, and want to be sure you’re meeting all of your nutritional needs, here’s a great opportunity to get your questions answered...

"How To Be A Vegetarian (Raw Or Cooked) With High Energy, Strong Bones, Healthy Blood, And Effortless Digestion”

Hi, it's Trevor Levine here, and I'll be giving this lecture several times during the month of June. You'll learn the most important secrets I've discovered during my 21 years as a vegetarian. And afterwards, you can participate in making and eating a delicious, digestion-friendly raw vegan feast.

Complete details are posted at:

Dates and locations:

4:00pm, Saturday, June 5 - Elizabeth Bechtel’s house, 633 Glenwood Isle in Alameda

5:00pm, Sunday, June 6 - Jillian Love’s house, 5125 Leona Street in Oakland (near Mills College)

4:00pm, Saturday, June 19 - Leora Hava’s house, 2805 Bristol Road in Kenwood (east Santa Rosa). This class will be co-taught by Leora, with a special theme: “Celebrate the summer solstice by bringing more light into your body”.

5:00pm, Sunday, July 11 - Trevor Levine’s house, 1207 Haskell Street in Berkeley

To reserve your seat at any lecture, call 510-654-6135. The lecture is only $10... and you can get 50% off if you reserve your seat at least 5 days in advance of the lecture you attend.

Complete details are posted at:

All lectures will be followed by a 30-minute question and answer session. Here's what you'll learn:

-- How to get enough protein, calcium, and B-12 on a vegetarian or raw diet.

-- How to eliminate your cravings for processed, depleted foods.

-- Are you ever tired after meals? Do you ever have gas, bloating, or indigestion? Learn to properly combine proteins, starches, fats, fruits, and vegetables so they can be easily digested.

-- Sample meals in which foods are properly combined for optimal digestion. Without this, it can be tough steering away from bad but “familiar” meal combinations.

-- Do you love fruit? Learn two secrets for slowing down the rise in your blood sugar level.

-- Why many people get more cavities after switching to an all raw diet, and how to protect your teeth.

-- How to release the gas-producing sugar from beans before you eat them -- minimizing gas, bloating, and indigestion.

-- How to skyrocket the nutritional value of your nuts, seeds, grains, and beans through soaking and sprouting.

-- How to get enough vitamin A and D on a vegan or raw diet.

-- How to eat well, even when you’re traveling and have no refrigeration (for example, while you’re on the road or staying in a hotel).

-- Many diseases stem from a mineral deficiency… why? Today’s soil - and in turn, today’s fruits and vegetables - have fewer minerals than they used to. Discover which foods can help you recoup these lost minerals, and why.

-- Why a whole food diet will dramatically reduce your “environmental footprint” (i.e. you’ll no longer contribute to packaging, fuel consumption, air pollution, or landfill garbage).

-- Are you tired of waiting for avocados to ripen? Do your bananas turn brown too fast? Learn to speed up, or slow down, the ripening of your fruit.

-- How to store your fruits and vegetables so they stay fresh longer.

-- Don’t risk getting osteoporosis. Learn why minerals get leached from your bones. Learn which foods are acidic, which are alkaline, and how to balance them.

-- In traditional food combining, fruit must be eaten alone… But Trevor will reveal three yummy exceptions to this rule.

-- How to keep your avocado dishes from turning brown overnight

-- What dentist Weston Price discovered about indigenous societies that hadn’t been introduced to “modern” processed foods.

-- To prevent fruit from rotting in transit, most fruit is picked before it’s ripe. Only 3% of commercially grown fruit is ripe when picked. Discover how to recognize these ripe fruits at your grocery store.

-- How to include flax seeds in everyday meals, so you get plenty of Omega 3’s

Register 5 days in advance of any lecture, and receive these five super bonuses:

Super Bonus #1: My ten best original recipes.

Super Bonus #2: The glycemic index. Find out which foods turn to sugar the fastest, and which turn to sugar the slowest. You may be surprised to discover that starchy foods -- like bread, pasta, and potatoes -- turn to sugar more quickly than most fruits.

Super Bonus #3: The acid/alkaline chart. Don’t risk leaching minerals from your bones. Find out which foods are highly acidic, slightly acidic, highly alkaline, and slightly alkaline.

Super Bonus #4: Sprouting chart. Learn exactly how long to soak and rinse each type of bean, seed, nut, and grain.

Super Bonus #5: Foods to avoid if you have acid reflux or heartburn.

To reserve your seat at any lecture, call 510-654-6135. Be sure to call 5 days ahead to get a 50% discount.

The $39 hands-on class is optional, and you don’t need to decide about that until after the lecture.)

Recipes you’ll learn to make in the hands-on class...

All of these quick and delicious recipes follow proper food combining guidelines. You and your classmates will get to vote on which of the recipes below your want to make most, and we’ll do as much as we can in 90 minutes:

-- Salad with oil-free orange tahini dressing
-- Cucumber mint lemon soup
-- Strawberries and cashew cream
-- Carrot beet coconut ginger salad
-- Cilantro guacamole
-- Tahini almond halvah

If you’re interested in making dehydrated recipes, we can also prepare:

-- Orange pineapple mint cookies
-- Flax crackers and flax matzah
-- Oil-free rasberry granola

During this class, I'll also demonstrate:

-- How to open coconuts -- both the young Thai and the brown hairy kind
-- How to soak, rinse, and blend nuts and seeds
-- Any other basic techniques you’d like to learn

To reserve your seat at any lecture, call 510-654-6135. Be sure to call 5 days ahead to get a 50% discount. (The $39 hands-on class is optional, and you don’t need to decide about that until after the lecture.)


Who’s Trevor Levine? In 2001, Trevor helped launch the web site . Since then, over 13,000 people have visited and signed up to receive free vegan recipes by email.

Trevor has been a vegetarian for 21 years, and eats about 70% raw food. When people guess his age, and discover that he’s actually ten years older, he smiles and credits his wholesome diet. However, he hasn’t been 100% free of health problems.

After losing a tooth in 2002, a holistic dentist turned him on to the findings of Weston Price. This led him to interview his raw food friends. He was surprised to discover that, for some, going raw led to more tooth decay. Luckily, he’s uncovered some secrets to preventing this.

Over the last two years, because of digestive problems, Trevor became an expert on proper food combining, said goodbye to processed foods, and now makes virtually all of his recipes from scratch.

In the interest of saving time, he’s developed “quick versions” of many of his favorite recipes. What’s more, he’s tweaked them so they’ll be easier to digest. Now you can benefit from his experiences.
Added to the calendar on Tue, May 25, 2004 11:26PM
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