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Bush suffers minor injuries in bike accident

by repost
US President George Bush suffers abrasions in mountain mishap.

US President George Bush fell off his mountain bike while completing the 25-kilometre stretch of a 27-kilometre biking course on his Crawford, Texas ranch.

White House spokesperson Trent Duffy said Bush was treated for injuries to his chin, upper lip, right hand and both knees.

Presidential physician Dr Richard Tubb attended to the wounds and declared Bush was fine.

The US president is expected to make a major televised speech on Monday night concerning his strategy for the 30 June handover to Iraqi sovereignty.
by DLi
After the Pretzel hit paydirt, the embarassed White House squatter was apparently not otherwise injured. His spokesman said that because of the thick skull surrrounding the pretzeldential brian(which in real fact weighs only about 3.5 grams!), mini-shrub escaped any serious injury to his "normal" mental capacity.

Other neo-cons were also greatly relieved that their #1 puppet(aka Chief Chickenhawk) will be pliable enough to appear on the dog-and-pony show on Monday on national TV to repeat the proven LIE that the USA "is making progress" in bringing fiefdom & autocracy to the Iraqi people.
by John Fain (ofasia [at]
Bike accident? Maybe. Look at what got injured, however. His chin, nose, lip and both knees. How on earth do you get those injuries by falling off a bike? Here's the picture I get if the bike accident is true.
"He hits a bump and he flies through the air in a position resembling a person 'walking on all fours' then slides on the road in that position after putting his face down on the road to get the rug burn, I mean the chin burn and the knee injuries. Either I do smell a rat here or I'm so used to his transparent lies I think this is just one more. Side note. The photograph of his eyes look mighty alcholic-ish. No? Oh.
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