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Indybay Feature

PLEASE FEATURE: Hunger Strike Enters Fourth Day

by Jonah
Dolores Huerta to visit Fast4Education Hunger Fasters
Frank Ogawa Plaza, 14th St. and Broadway in Oakland, CA
1:30-2:00 PM
Vigil at 8PM Every Night!

May 13, 2004

Contact: Gabriel Hernandez
Voicemail: 510-645-9213
Email: march4education [at]
Website address:

Dolores Huerta to visit Fast4Education Hunger Fasters
Frank Ogawa Plaza, 14th St. and Broadway in Oakland, CA
1:30-2:00 PM

The Fast4Education has entered its fourth day of the fast. On this fourth day the Fast4Education hunger former United Farm Workers Vice President Dolores Huerta will visit fasters. She will visit with the fasters and the Fast4Education organizers between 1:30-2:00 pm TODAY.

Fast4Education is growing by the day with more and more support coming from the surrounding communities, local public schools, and public and private universities. So far two fasters have been forced to break their fast due to personal and health reasons. On Monday the hunger fasters will listen to concerns of children from Richmond schools and reaffirm why they are committed to this fast by holding a public forum at Richmond High School. The information for this event is as follows:

Monday, May 17th
6-8 PM

Richmond High School
1250 23rd Street
Richmond, CA

Upcoming Schedule:

8pm everyday: candle light vigil

May 13: Homeless Children from Oakland to visit hunger strikers at 3:30 PM in Frank Ogawa Plaza

May 15: Community Festival, 12 pm, Frank Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA (Delegation from the Barbara Lee event will be present)

May 17: Richmond High School event (mentioned above)

May 17: Teach-in on Brown v. the Board of Education in Sacramento, CA

May 18: Fasters will hold press conference

May 27: Statewide mobilization of children of elementary, middle and high schools, higher education students to address the Governor of California at the Westside of State Capital Building, Sacramento, CA (DAY 18 OF HUNGER STRIKE)

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by kay
This has been so inspiring - possible to feature on indymedia?
by upton sinclair
The feature story will hopefully go up later tonight if all goes well. Though people don't seem to realize that creating a feature story is not the easiest thing and that once it is created it must be updated to some degree each day based on changing situations...and things are changing all the time in regards to the plans of the people working on the Fast 4 Education. I spent all night last night working on coverage of this ongoing story and spent all the morning and most of the day with the fasters, trying to ensure that the City of Oakland would not follow through on previous threats and helping to take of their basic needs currently organizing wise and personally. Both Indybay and the Fast 4 Education could use volunteer organizers to help them bottom line essential things, and I have been straddling that line as an activist and a media maker. So please have patience and everything will work out and I will be able to at least post an update with pictures of Dolores Huerta's visit today and hopefully be able to create a feature with the help of organizers that are working on the Fast 4 Education.

make media, make trouble !! - upton sinclair
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