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by Julio Cirio (juliocirio [at]
a ton of useless info
by Echelon keywords, etc. Tuesday, Dec. 03, 2002 at 10:54 PM

MOVINT SIGINT HUMINT ERICA HALO Trafficante DCJFTF Black Ops Shadow Government Bio Warfare Black Helicopters microwave survival Infowars Paranoia Conspiracy cross-site scripting CSS encryption PGP van Eck Chemtrails Big Brother Secret Societies Aliens UFO UFOs Mind Control NWO New World Order OWG NSA NRO CIA FBI millimeter wave FNord Implants Mark Of The Beast 666 Armageddon End Times SGC UNCPCJ CFC SABENA DREO CDA Reclaiming SADRS DRA MK-ULTRA SHAPE bird dog psychic driving SACLANT BECCA Barry Seal Mena Vincent Foster Chandra Levy Ray Kurzweil Nestor Mahkno Prophecy Apocalypse Fnord InfoSec SAO Reno Compsec JICS Holocaust psy-op Canned Meat Paperclip Rainbow Six Rogue Spear Crowley Nostradamus RV Remote Viewing AI Artificial Intelligence Brainwashing Subliminal ELF EMP Nuclear biological non-lethal weapons of mass destruction UN United Nations WHO WTO IMF CFR NAFTA FTAA globalism Illuminati FEMA BATF martial law SASSTIXS UNESCO NAVWAN NRL RL NAVWCWPNS NSWC William Harvey gulags Felix Rodriguez Paranoid Frey Persinger Delgado Adey implants drugs drug war wire tap LIDA CBW WMD Denial of Service AO Hell Chemtrails Surveillance Blue Beam Web bugs phone bugs HAARP Espionage Spy Spies HERF Tesla D.I.R.T. DIRT B.O. BO anarchy anarchists anarchism Hack Hacker Hackers Hacking crude but effective Voice to Skull DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Microwave Hearing Microwave Voices ELF E.L.F. RHIC-EDOM David Ferrie privacy Masers MC Copy Tracking Genova Covert Protest Weather Control Digital Angel millimeter wave Implantable ADS cookies PSYOPS pugs pogs pods propaganda NAVELEXSYSSECENGCEN BZ CANSLO CIDCON CBNRC CIDA JAVA rsta Active X Rockefeller Morgan Rothchild Dupont Smedley Butler fascism neofascism fascist fascists Nazi neonazi anti-fascist aryan volk ARA Anti Racist Action Class War William Harvey Defense Intelligence Agency coup assassination MONGOOSE GPS scanner scannist lasers Project Squid HPM High Power Microwaves less-than-lethal fundamentalist Pulse Wave Myotron Michael Aquino Temple of Set Mae Brussell Bilderburgers ZRRIFLE Ruling Elite EWAR JFK Ruby Oswald MLK RFK OAS Abramelin Magick Wicca Golden Dawn Operation MONGOOSE asuang PsyWar Antigravity coanda Vimana alien abductions alien aliens Biefeld-Brown Kugelblitz GUID panopticon IUCN Casolaro PROMIS ECHELON Inslaw Millivision raven1 ion scanner Val Orlikow Frank Olsen Dulles Operation Sunrise T. T. Brown Rabichev Neurophone Eris MKULTRA War on (Some) Drugs Air America Biowarfare GWS Sidney Gottlieb Sidney Reilly fnord Knights of Malta CARNIVORE COINTELPRO FRS Face recognition software Face-It harmonic radar Vatican Bank NAB Dunifer Guy Banister Terrorism TWA 800 Pan Am 103 LERF PITMS tunguska FDA DEA IRS Swissair 111 NTSB Bush WACL ALF ELF biometrics Jonathan Vankin Clyde Tolson fnord telepathy LUCINT Lucis McVeigh NGOs Disclosure Project Golden Triangle ANFO Murrah SSNs Censorship Genoa SUN STREAK GRILL fnord FLAME CENTER LANE Rewson SAFE INSCOM SCANATE anti-fascists Waihopai INFOSEC William Casey ASPIC MI6 Information Security SAI Information Warfare IW IS Privacy Information Mashriq Terrorism Defensive Information Defense Information Warfare Offensive Information Offensive Information Warfare The Artful Dodger NAIA SAPM ASU ASTS National Information Infrastructure Computer Terrorism Firewalls Secure Internet Connections RSP ISS Priory of Sion JDF Ermes Passwords NAAP DefCon V RSO Hackers Encryption ASWS Dr. Sydney Gottlieb Alex Constantine GONDOLA WISH STAR GATE CUN CISU CUSI M.A.R.E. MARE UFO IFO FDR ICLP DTSA briarpatch Pacini Angela fnord Espionage ACSI USDOJ NSA CIA S/Key SSL FBI Secert Service USSS Defcon Military Ewen Cameron White House Undercover NCCS Mayfly PGP SALDV PEM resta RSA Perl-RSA MSNBC bet AOL AOL TOS CIS CBOT AIMSX STARLAN 3B2 BITNET Ingo Swann Harold Puthoff SAMU COSMOS DATTA Furbys E911 FCIC GROUND ZERO R.H.I.C. HTCIA FMSF GSA GSR IACIS fnord UT/RUS JANET ram JICC ReMOB LEETA UTU VNET BRLO Martin Orne NTL SADCC NSLEP SACLANTCEN FALN 877 the mackeral needs frying Compsec 97 RENS LLC DERA Ecstasy JIC rip rb Wu RDI Mavricks BIOL Meta-hackers ^? SADT Steve Case Tools RECCEX Telex Aldergrove OTAN World Visions monarchist NMIC NIOG Cecil Rhodes IDB MID/KL NADIS George Estabrooks NMI Richard Case Nagell SEIDM BNC RTS Starhawk E.D.O.M. CNCIS STEEPLEBUSH RG BSS DDIS Jim Keith mixmaster BCCI BRGE Europol Tavistock Unabomber fnord SARL Military Intelligence JICA Scully E.S.B. recondo Flame fnord Infowar World Bank FRU Bubba Freeh Archives ISADC CISSP Sundevil jack Investigation JOTS ISACA NCSA ASVC spook words RRF 1071 Bugs Bunny JMWAVE Verisign Secure ASIO Lebed ICE NRO Lexis-Nexis NSCT SCIF Star Wars FLiR JIC bce Lacrosse Flashbangs HRT IRA EODG DIA USCOI CID BOP FINCEN Orlando Bosch FLETC NIJ ACC AFSPC BMDO site USAFA AHPCRC ARPA SARD Blacklisted 411 LABLINK Frank Olson USACIL SAPT Lee Harvey Oswald USCG NRC ~ O NSA/CSS CDC Gordon Novel DOE SAAM FPCC FMS HPCC NTIS SEL USCODE CISE Ted Shackley SIRC CIM memory depatterning ISN DJC Howard Hunt LLNL bemd Frank Sturgis SC TA SAS 2600 Lander GSM T Branch AST SAMCOMM Plausible Denial HAHO FKS 868 GCHQ Warren Commission DITSA SORT AMEMB NSG HIC EDI benelux SAS SBS SAW UDT EODC GOE DOE SAMF GEO JRB 3P-HV Masuda Forte AT GIGN Exon MMDA Shell radint MB CQB Alfred McCoy TECS CHAOS MOCKINGBIRD CONUS Edward Lansdale CTU Vang Pao RCMP GRU SASR 1947 GSG-9 22nd SAS GEOS EADA SART Nugan Hand BBE STEP Echelon Dictionary MD2 MD4 thud MDA diwn 747 ASIC 777 RDI 767 MI5 737 MI6 757 Kh-11 EODN 1967 SHS ^X Shayet-13 SADMS Spetznaz Recce 707 CIO NOCS Halcon NSS Duress RAID Uziel wojo Psyops SASCOM Watergate grom NSIRL D-11 DF ZARK SERT VIP ARC S.E.T. Team NSWG MP5k SATKA DREC DEVGRP DSD FDM GRU phrack LRTS SIGDEV NACSI MEU/SOC PSAC PTT RFI ZL31 SIGDASYS TDM. SUKLO Schengen SUSLO TELINT fake TEXTA. ELF LF MF Mafia JASSM CALCM TLAM Wipeout GII SIW MEII C2W Burns Tomlinson Ufologico Nazionale Centro CICAP MIR Belknap Tac rebels Miynick BLU-97 A/B 007 bronze RDX Rubin Arnett BLU SIGS VHF ALF Recon peapod PA598D28 Spall dort 50MZ 11Emc Choe SATCOMA UHF The Hague SHF ASIO SASP WANK Colonel domestic disruption 5ESS smuggle Z-200 15kg DUVDEVAN RFX nitrate OIR Pretoria M-14 enigma fnord Bletchley Park Clandestine NSO nkvd argus afsatcom CQB NVD PROMIS Counter Terrorism Security Enemy of the State SARA Rapid Reaction JSOFC3IP Corporate Security Binh Xuyen Baldwin Wilma Police Dateline Tyrell KMI 1ee Pod 9705 Samford Road 20755-6000 sniper PPS ASIS Mannlicher-Carcano ASLET TSCM Security Consulting M-x spook Z-150T Steak Knife High Security Security Evaluation Charles Cabell Electronic Surveillance MI-17 ISR NSAS Counterterrorism Sen. Frank Church real spies IWO eavesdropping debugging CCSS interception COCOT NACSI rhost fnordrhosts ASO SETA Amherst Broadside Capricorn George Hunter White NAVCM Gamma Gorizont Guppy NSS rita ISSO submiss ASDIC .tc 2EME REP FID 7NL SBS tekka captain 226 .45 nonac .li Tony Poe MJ-12 JASON Society Hmong Majic evil zipgun Inslaw tax bootleg warez TRV ERV rednoise mindwar 1911 nailbomb VLF ULF Paperclip Chatter MKULTRA Pug MKDELTA Bluebird MKNAOMI White Yankee MKSEARCH 355 ML Adriatic Goldman Ionosphere Mole Keyhole NABS Kilderkin Artichoke Badger Emerson Tzvrif SDIS Luciano Nixon T2S2 Stinger STTC DNR Radio Free Europe NADDIS NFLIS CFD BLU-114/B quarter Cornflower Daisy Egret Iris JSOTF Hollyhock Jasmine Juile Vinnell B.D.M. Sphinx Stephanie Reflection Spoke Talent Trump FX FXR Saigon Military Mission IMF POCSAG rusers Covert Video Intiso r00t lock picking Voice of America fnord Fort Benning Fort Detrick Beyond Hope LASINT csystems .tm passwd 2600 Magazine JUWTF Competitor EO Chan Pathfinders David Atlee Phillips SEAL Team 3 JTF Nash ISSAA B61-11 Alouette executive G-8 Event Security Syndicate Mace Cap-Stun stakeout ninja ASIS ISA EOD Oscor Tarawa fnord COSMOS-2224 COSTIND hit word hitword Hitwords Operation X Regli VBS Leuken-Baden number key Zimmerwald DDPS Patton GRS AGT. AMME modified limited hangout ANDVT Type I Type II VFCT VGPL WHCA WSA WSP WWABNCP Zapatistas ZNI1 FSK FTS2000 GOSIP GOTS SACS STU-III PRF PMSP PCMT I&A JRSC ITSDN Keyer KG-84C KWT-46 KWR-46 KY-75 KYV-5 LHR PARKHILL packet sniffer LDMX LEASAT fatwa SNS SVN TACSAT TRANSEC DONCAF EAM DSCS DSNET1 DSNET2 DSNET3 ECCM EIP EKMS J-21 EKMC DDN DDP Merlin NTT SL-1 Rolm TIE Tie-fighter PBX SLI NTT S-16 MSCJ MIT 69 RIT Time MSEE Cable & Wireless CSE SUW J2 JP2 Embassy ETA Porno Fax finks Fax encryption white noise Fernspah MYK 1963 GAFE forcast import rain tiger buzzer N9 pink noise CRA M.P.R.I. top secret Mossberg 50BMG Macintosh Security Macintosh Internet Security OC3 Macintosh Firewalls Wackenhut Unix Security VIP Protection SIG sweep Medco TRD TDR Z sweeping SURSAT 5926 TELINT Audiotel Harvard 1080H SWS Asset Satellite imagery force NAIAG Cypherpunks NARF 127 Coderpunks TRW remailers replay redheads RX-7 explicit FLAME J-6 Pornstars 2eme Bureau AVN Playboy ISSSP Anonymous W Sex chaining codes Nuclear 20 subversives SLIP toad fish data havens unix c a b d SUBACS the Elvis quiche DES 1* N-ISDN NLSP OTAR OTAT OTCIXS MISSI MOSAIC John Roselli NAVCOMPARS NCTS FNORD NESP MILSATCOM AUTODIN BLACKER C3I C4I CMS CMW CP SBU SCCN SITOR SHF/DOD Finksburg MD Link 16 LATA NATIA NATOA sneakers UXO () OC-12 counterintelligence Shaldag sport NASA TWA DT gtegsc nowhere .ch hope emc Osama bin Laden industrial espionage SUPIR PI TSCI spookwords industrial intelligence H.N.P. SUAEWICS Juiliett Class Submarine Locks fnord qrss loch 64 Vauxhall Cross Ingram Mac-10 BNDD wwics sigvoice ssa E.O.D. SEMTEX penrep racal OTP OSS Siemens pinknoiz RPC Met CIA-DST INI watchers keebler contacts Blowpipe Zapata Offshore BTM CCS GSA Kilo Class squib primacord RSP Z7 Becker Nerd fangs Austin no|d Comirex GPMG Speakeasy humint GEODSS SORO M5 BROMURE ANC zone SBI DSS S.A.I.C. Minox Keyhole SAR Rand Corporation Starr Wackenhutt EO burhop Wackendude mol Shelton 2E781 F-22 2010 JCET cocaine Vale IG Kosovo Dake 36 800 Hillal Pesec Hindawi GGL NAICC CTU botux Virii CCC ISPE Jack Ruby CCSC Scud SecDef Magdeyev VOA Kosiura Small Pox Tajik += Blacklisted 411 TRDL Internet Underground BX XS4ALL wetsu muezzin Retinal Fetish WIR Fetish FCA Yobie forschung emm ANZUS Reprieve NZC-332 edition cards mania 701 CTP CATO Noam Chomksy Phon-e Chicago Posse NSDM l0ck beanpole spook keywords QRR PLA Bay of Pigs TDYC W3 CUD CdC Weekly World News Zen World Domination Dead GRU M72750 Salsa 7 Blowfish fnord Gorelick Glock Ft. Meade NSWT press-release WISDIM burned Indigo wire transfer e-cash Bubba the Love Sponge Enforcers Digicash zip SWAT EZLN Ortega PPP NACSE crypto-anarchy AT&T SGI SUN MCI Blacknet ISM JCE Middleman KLM Blackbird NSV GQ360 X400 Texas jihad SDI BRIGAND Uzi Fort Meade *& supercomputer bullion 3 NTTC Blackmednet : Propaganda ABC Satellite phones fnord IWIS Planet-1 ISTA rs9512c Jiang Zemin South Africa Sergeyev Montenegro Toeffler Rebollo fnord sorot Yucca Mountain FARC Toth Xu Yongyue Bach Razor AC cryptanalysis nuclear 52 52 N - 03 03 W Morgan Canine GEBA INSCOM ITT SMOM MEMEX Stanley FBI Panama fissionable Henrik Krüger Sears Tower fnord NORAD Delta Force SEAL virtual WASS WID Dolch secure shell screws Black-Ops O/S Area51 SABC basement ISWG $@ data-haven James Jesus Angleton NSDD black-bag rack TEMPEST Goodwin rebels ID MD5 IDEA garbage fnord market beef fnord Stego fnord ISAF unclassified Sayeret Tzanhanim PARASAR OSHA EPA Gripan pirg curly Taiwan CARNIVORE fnord fnord fnord guest fnord utopia NSG orthodox CCSQ Alica SHA Global gorilla Bob UNSCOM Fukuyama Manfurov Kvashnin Marx Abdurahmon snullen Pseudonyms MITM NARF Gray Data VLSI mega Leitrim Yakima NSES Sugar Grove WAS Cowboy Gist 8182 Gatt Platform 1911 Geraldton UKUSA veggie XM Parvus DeMohrenschildt Zapata Petroleum Midland Poppy Skull and Bones lam3r NAVSVS 3848 Morwenstow Consul Oratory Pine Gap Menwith Mantis Left Wing Right Wing same bird DSD DNC ESCR BVD 1984 blow out BUDS WQC Flintlock MUFON fnord PABX Plan Colombia Electron Chicago Crust e95 DDR&E 3M KEDO fnord iButton R1 erco Toffler FAS RHL K3 Visa/BCC SNT Ceridian STE condor CipherTAC-2000 Etacs Shipiro ssor piz fritz KY 32 Edens Kiwis Kamumaruha DODIG Firefly HRM Albright Bellcore rail csim NMS 2c FIPS140-1 CAVE E-Bomb CDMA Fortezza 355ml ISSC cybercash NAWAS government NSY hate speedbump joe illuminati BOSS Kourou Misawa Morse HF P415 ladylove filofax Gulf lamma fnord Unit 5707 Sayeret Mat'Kal Unit 669 Sayeret Golani Lanceros Summercon NSADS president ISFR freedom ISSO walburn implants Defcon VI DC6 Larson P99 HERF pipe-bomb 2.3 Oz. cocaine $ imapct Roswell ESN post modernism COS E.T. credit card b9 fraud re-education ST1 assasinate SSI virus ISCS ISPR anarchy Zapata Petroleum rogue mailbomb 888 Chelsea 1997 Whitewater MOD York plutonium William Gates clone BATF SGDN Nike WWSV Atlas IWWSVCS Delta TWA Kiwi PGP 2.6.2. PGP 5.0i PGP 5.1 siliconpimp SASSTIXS IWG Lynch 414 Face Pixar IRIDF NSRB eternity server Skytel Yukon Templeton Johohonbu LUK Cohiba Soros Standford niche cadre ISEP ISEC 51 H&K USP ^ sardine bank EUB USP PCS NRO Red Cell NSOF DC7 Glock 26 snuffle Patel package ISI INR INS Church Committee GRU RUOP GSS OPEC NSP SRI Ronco Armani BOSS Chobetsu FBIS BND SISDE FSB BfV IB froglegs JITEM SADF advise TUSA LITE PKK HoHoCon SISMI ISG FIS MSW Spyderco UOP SSCI NIMA HAMASMOIS SVR SIN advisors SAP Monica OAU PFS Aladdin AG chameleon man Hutsul CESID Bess rail gun .375 Peering CSC Tangimoana Beach Commecen Vanuatu Kwajalein LHI DRM GSGI DST MITI JERTO SDF Koancho Blenheim Rivera Kyudanki varon 310 17 312 NB CBM CTP Sardine SBIRS jaws SGDN ADIU DEADBEEF IDP IDF Halibut SONANGOL Flu & Loin PGP 5.53 meta Faber Richard Mellon Scaife SFPD EG&G ISEP PG&E blackjack Fox Aum AIEWS AMW RHL Baranyi WORM FNORD MP5K-SD 1071 WINGS cdi VIA DynCorp UXO Ti WWSP WID osco Mary honor Templar THAAD package CISD ISG BIOLWPN JRA ISB ISDS chosen LBSD van schloss secops DCSS DPSD LIF J-Star PRIME SURVIAC telex Analyzer embassy DDES Golf B61-7 Maple Tokyo ERR SBU Threat JPL Tess SE Alex EPL SPINTCOM FOUO ISS-ADP Merv Mexico SUR blocks SO13 Rojdykarna RSOC USS Banner S511 20755 airframe Furby PECSENC football FRORD Agfa 3210 Crowell 599 Camp Fnord moore 510 OADR Smith toffee FIS N5P6 EuroFed SP4 shelter Crypto AG Croatian nuclear FBI colonel plutonium Ortega Waco Texas Panama CIA DES SUN-PAC jihad fissionable quiche terroristz World Trade Center assassination DES NORAD Delta Force Waco Texas SDI fnord explosion Serbian Panama Uzi Ft. Meade SEAL Team 6 Honduras PLO NSA terrorist Ft. Meade strategic supercomputer knock knock Neo $400 million in gold bullion quiche Falun Gong Honduras BATF colonel Treasury domestic disruption SEAL Team 6 class struggle smuggle M55 M51 Physical Security Division Room 2A0120 OPS 2A building 688-6911(b) 963-3371(s). Security Awareness Division (M56) Field Security Division (M52) Al Amn al-Askari Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SAIRI) Binnenlandse Veiligheidsdienst Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti Federalnaia sluzhba besopasnosti GCHQ MI5 Kill the president Capital Cities ABC Terrorism America Anthrax WTC World Trade Centre Osama Bin Laden Pentagon al Qaeda White House United States NATO U.N. CIA NSA FBI Capitol Tragedy FEMA DISC fnord Ayman al-Zawahiri Middle East Israel Palestien George Bush Canada U.K. Twin Buildings New York Hi-Jacking Sept 11 Adnan Bukhari Giuliani Center Towers Bombing hijackers military 911 9-11 9:11 September 11 CIA Bush fnord Mossad ISI Saudi China Microsoft AOL Gates WTC World Trade Center twin towers enduring freedom coup big oil zionism psychological operations mind control illuminati freemason templar NWO New World Order conspiracy Pakistan MI5 MI6 FBI COINTELPRO NSA NRO heroin cocaine florida bohemian grove bay of pigs stem cell bosankoe eastman agent smiley terrorism federal reserve socialism capitalism culture jamming osama bin laden mujahideen octopus BCCI octopus al qaeda taliban operation northwoods Miami 5 miami five cuba Noriega Venezuela Atta Castro Chavez Iran-Contra jeb Israel Contras Oklahoma City Operation Watchtower Brothers to the Rescue Stern Gang Fifth Column 5th Column Balfour S&L Silverado Neil Enron Haliburton Zapata McNamara Carlucci Mumumba Casolaro Wilcher Afghanistan Iraq fnord Sharon Rabin peace war India Kashmir Palestine Phoenicia priory Nigeria Chevron Tavistock Columbine Littleton Erfurt MKULTRA Manhattan Institute patriot Phillipines Colombia Occidental Inslaw Promis Zapatista anarchism anarchy situationism spectacle New World Fnord Kissinger Washington SPEC OPS Pittsburgh Islamic fundamentalist Afghanistan 9-11-01 Biological Chemical Weapons Mohammed Atta Marwan Yousef Alshehhii Flight 175 93 77 Boeing 767 Boeing 757 FAA Powell Bob George Pataki Kabul Clinton USS Task Force 160 Night Stalkers Army Rangers India USS John F. Kennedy Barksdale Air Force Base Davis Camp David Pennsylvania Northern Alliance Subgenii Saddam AFSOC Special Operations Putin Arafat Taliban Fnord Dev Group Khalid Al-Midhar SEAL Team 6 STRATFOR Black Hawk Nawaq Alhamzi Special Forces (Green Berets) Salem Alhamzi War Army Navy Air Force JSOW Satam Al Suqami Arab Waleed M Alshehri Abdulaziz Alomari apocalypso Bashar Assad Mohammed Khatami King Abdullah DEVGRU Marwan Al-Shehhi Middle East F-117 B2 Bomber F-16 General Pervez Musharraf Delta Force Hosni Mubarak Fayez Ahmed Ahmed Alghamdi Hamza Alghamdi B-1B AWACS FA/18 Mohald Alshehri Saeed Alghamdi Infinite Justice Ahmed Alhaznawi Ahmed Alnami Ziad Jarrahi ThreatCon Delta Saddam Hussein Iran King Fahd Iraq Pakistan Usama Bin Ladin Apache fnord USAF fnord carrier Kitty Hawk Wasp Hornet Lexington Concord Quequeg Quahog six bits a dollar ha ha made you look
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