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Caribbean Said Not to Accept Haiti Gov't

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BASSETERRE, St. Kitts (AP) - The 15-nation Caribbean Community does not plan to recognize Haiti's new U.S.-backed interim government, senior Caribbean officials said Friday.

Several senior officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the region's leaders made the decision by consensus on their second and final day of a summit.

They said they decided not have formal relations with the new government due to concerns about the departure of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on Feb. 29 and the precedent it could set.

On Thursday leaders demanded the U.N. General Assembly investigate Aristide's claims he was abducted at gunpoint by U.S. agents when he left as rebels threatened to attack Haiti's capital.

Asked if the regional bloc would recognize the new interim government, one national leader said, speaking on condition of anonymity: ``Our people would not allow us to do that.''

Talks continued Friday but officials said their minds were made up. They said they would discuss the issue again at their regular annual summit in July in Grenada.

Jamaican officials said Aristide will take permanent asylum in South Africa, but not until it holds general elections next month. Aristide has been in temporary exile in Jamaica since March 15, despite protests from U.S. and Haitian officials.

Caribbean leaders are ``still upset and uncomfortable'' about Aristide's departure, and made that clear to U.N. special envoy Reginald Dumas when he listened to their debate, St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister Denzil Douglas told The Associated Press Thursday.

``We are prepared to discuss the possibility of identifying exactly what were the circumstances,'' Douglas said. ``We are taking this matter to the U.N. General Assembly for clarification.''

Conference officials said the 15-nation regional bloc wants the General Assembly to investigate rather than the Security Council, where the United States or France could veto the proposal.

The Caribbean can expect support from the 53-member African Union, which last month echoed its demand.

The officials say Aristide has told Caribbean leaders that he was abducted at gunpoint by U.S. agents and put on a U.S.-chartered aircraft that carried him to the Central African Republic.

U.S. officials say they organized the Feb. 29 departure at Aristide's request and probably saved his life as rebels who had overrun half the country threatened to attack Haiti's capital.

Caribbean leaders are angry that the Security Council refused their urgent plea to send international troops to save Aristide, Haiti's first democratically elected leader, but speedily sanctioned a U.S.-led intervention after he fled.

The Caribbean bloc refused to join that peacekeeping force, but on Thursday considered sending troops with a separate U.N. humanitarian force to help rebuild Haiti, Douglas said. It would deploy within three months.

Douglas also said Caribbean leaders remain angry with interim Haitian Prime Minister Gerard Latortue, who was not invited to the summit after he criticized the group for allowing Aristide to return to the region from Africa.,1280,-3907556,00.html
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Here's some practical action to take: help Amnesty International correct some errors and ambiguity in its report:

Remember that Amnesty reports have a lot of influence - the ambiguity
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so a clearly written letter you write may have a significant inflluence.
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