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Campaign for Tenure Justice for Ignacio Chapela

by The Tenure Justice Coalition
Come to the meeting this Thursday March 18 @ 6 PM 132 Mulford Hall Berkeley,
CA. For directions go to:
We will give a detailed background of the tenure issue and how to proceed.
Greetings from the Tenurejustice campaign!

As a result of the GEAN conference ( session the tenure
justice campaign was launched. The session was about Prof. Ignacio Chapela¹s
struggle for tenure and the connections to the larger issue of the corporate
takeover of UC Berkeley campus. Chapela's contract with the university has
two more months until it expires. We need to act quickly!

Below you will find:
* How to get involved:
* Next meeting
* Urgent Action announcement: letter campaign
* How to subscribe to the email list

For more information you can go to or write to
info [at]

Here is how you can get involved right now:

Come to the meeting this Thursday March 18 @ 6 PM 132 Mulford Hall Berkeley,
CA. For directions go to:
We will give a detailed background of the tenure issue and how to proceed.
Working groups will be formed during the meeting. Please invite friends and

Please print and post the attached flyer announcing the meeting this
Thursday and our website

*** Our first urgent ACTION ITEM is to get alumni of UC
Berkeley to write letters to the editor of California
Monthly. A subsequent email will explain this, and you
can forward it to your alumni friends, family, and
colleagues. This is urgent because they are presently
assembling the letters to the editor, so these should
be submitted ASAP as a response to the article they published in this months
*You can look at it at:

** Subscribe to the email list 'tenure justice'
[closed to posting, announcements only] and Œtenure justice¹ discussion²
[open posting, for developing action on these issue only] by going to

We look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon!

The tenure justice coalition
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by Tenure Justice
Urgent Action :
Please write a letter or an email today to the Cal Monthly Magazine about
Chapela¹s case.

Below you will find:
* Background information
* The urgent action request and fax/ mailing/ email address to send the
letter to
* Suggested talking points
* How to get involved

Dear friends,

The freedom to undertake academic research and to speak
out is under threat at the University of California,
Berkeley. Ignacio Chapela is an assistant professor in
the Division of Ecosystem Sciences who has been
targeted for criticizing large-scale corporate funding
of academic research, and for discovering that
genetically modified genes have migrated into wild
strains of corn in southern Mexico. The university
administration has used extraordinary means to deny him
tenure, despite the overwhelming support for tenure by
a host of worldwide experts, the vast majority in his
department and two secret expert committees.

About the campaign: We are initiating a campaign to defend Prof. Chapela in
order to get him back on track for tenure. However,
there is an urgent matter. California Monthly, the
publication of the California Alumni Association, ran
an article on the large scale funding agreement with
Swiss biotech giant Novartis - opposed by Prof. Chapela
- and his struggle for a fair tenure review.
The article can be read at:

The urgent action: Particularly if you are an alumnus(a), please send a
letter of support for Prof. Chapela to the editor ofCalifornia Monthly,
by email to calmonthly [at] or by fax to (510) 642-6252.
[If you send it by email, please cc: info [at]]

They are currently assembling the letters for the March issue, please
submit one this week (i.e. by March 20). Be sure to include your
year of graduation, and your current city of residence.

And please forward this email to all your friends,
family, and colleagues – especially alumni.

Suggested talking points:
Some points you can make in a short (< 120 words )
letter include:

- Express disappointment that Chancellor Robert Berdahl
did not stand up for academic freedom, did not respect
the will of his own faculty and instead bowed to undue
influence by industry and their supporters on campus.

- Express concern that Prof. Chapela's denial of tenure
and the Novartis research contract tarnish Berkeley's
reputation as a site of research for the public good
with the stain of undue corporate influence.

- Demand that Chancellor Berdahl, a historian, publicly
justifies his decision to override 59 worldwide experts
in Prof Chapela's field who overwhelmingly recommended

- Demand that the sources of influence leading to this
decision are identified and put in their right place
within a public university

- Demand that the Berkeley campus supports - instead of
suppresses - initiatives to research and promote
alternatives to industrial agriculture and for a more
sustainable world.

- Thank California Monthly and its editor Russell
Schoch for their coverage, and ask them to continue to
report on instances of faculty being pressured to
produce industry-friendly results, or paying the price
for failing to do so.

If you would like to follow Prof. Chapela's case,
please keep an eye out for the forthcoming website , or sign up for
announcements at

Thank you,
The Campaign for Tenure Justice

We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$40.00 donated
in the past month

Get Involved

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