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Future of marry-ins?

by SaveFreedom (SaveFreedom [at]
Trying to predict the remainder of 2004.
Dear sisters and brothers,

"Never predict anything," warn the wise ones, "especially the future." But this freedom-seeker rushes in where moderates fear to tread, offering a barely possible crystal-ball-ogy of the historic marry-ins of 2004, intertwined with the U.S. presidential slog.

Phase One: mid-February to mid-March 2004: the historic 29-day
San Francisco Marry-In.

Phase Two: mid-March to mid-May: San Francisco fades from national view. Portland Marry-In may continue? Battles rage in state legislatures. Presidential race gets ugly early.

Phase Three: Massachusetts Marry-In starts in mid-May, and continues for many months, possibly years.
U.S. Senate debates Musgrave Amendment, which fails to get two-thirds vote. Hatch Amendment does better.

Phase Four: spring and summer: Television viewers become ever more bored by campaign ads in general; and turned off by attack ads. Eight-month campaign already seems endless.
Republicans queer-bash Dems; while Dems try to change the subject.

Phase Five: after Labor Day: September Surprise? October Surprise? November Just-In-Time Surprise? Bush junta may try to make dramatic news, shortly before November election. Will they suddenly "find" Osama bin Laden? Will Cheney decide, but only for health reasons, to stop running for vice president (thus allowing Bush to choose Rice, Powell, or ___ )? Will Ashcroft decide, but only for health reasons,
to resign from his post as Attorney General? Will U.S. invade Syria, and/or Iran?

Phase Six : Code Red?: Will terrorists deliver their own pre-election surprise (as before the Spanish election)?
[ ]

Phase Seven: around Halloween: After attack ads have damaged both major-party candidates, some voters may flirt with minor candidates. Many more will wish that NOTA (None Of The Above) were on their ballot.

Phase Eight: Election Day: Two thing seem sure: (1) People will talk about the need to reform the presidential electoral system; then they'll drop the subject for another four years.
And (2) East Coast TV broadcasters will disrespect voters in the Pacific time zone.

Phase Nine: Controversies erupt over election results, especially if touch-screen voting systems have gone postal.
Meanwhile, "Commercemas" distracts consumers from public issues. "Ask not how the jobless recovery can help you, but rather ask how much more credit-card debt you can bear, to help mega-corporations."

Phase Ten: New Year's Eve: By now, the moderate mainstream of married midclass Americans will remember "auld acquaintance",
but will nearly have forgotten the same-sex marry-ins.

Tortuga Bi LIBERTY,
San Francisco
15 March 2004
SaveFreedom [at]
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by asdf
Actually, I think this year will be even *more* tumultuous than you predict it will be. That, and I don't think SF is finished with queer activism quite yet...expect more demos when the CA Supreme Court rules in August or September.
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