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Indybay Feature

Anti-war hero Stephen Funk welcome home, Sunday March 14

by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name (bayarea [at]
Bay Area anti-war community welcomes home hero Stephen Funk who served six months in a military prison for refusing to fight the Iraq War.

Welcome Home Stephen Funk!
Reception, Dinner and Film “The Fourth World War”

Sunday, March 14 ~ 3 PM to 9 PM
Humanist Hall
390 27th Street (between Telegraph and Broadway), Oakland


“In the face of this unjust war based on deception by our leaders, I could not remain silent. I spoke out so that others in the military would realize that they also have a choice and a duty to resist immoral and illegitimate orders. You don’t have to be cog in the machinery of war… I wanted those who may be thinking about enlisting to hear and learn from my experiences.”
      - Stephen Funk

Watch the movie trailer
(Quick Time, 15MB 2:15 min.)

Imprisoned for refusing to fight the Iraq War, half-Filipino gay former Marine Corps reservist and local anti-war hero returns from six months in a North Carolina military prison.

3 – 5 PM
Reception and BBQ

Meet Stephen Funk, find out about local counter-recruitment efforts, help gear up for the March 20th “End the Occupation!” global actions, and throw some tofu and/or meat on the fire.

5 – 7 PM
Dinner program

  • Stephen Funk, first public Iraq War military resister
  • Tommi Avicolli Mecca, radical queer performer/poet
  • Members of Proletariat Bronze, Asian-Pacific Islander slam poet collective
  • 1991 Gulf War GI refusniks Aimee Allison, Azania Howse, Erik Larsen and Jeff Paterson
  • Stephen Collier, Stephen Funk’s lawyer

7:30 – 9 PM
Film screening of the new movie “The Fourth World War”

While our airwaves are crowded with talk of a new world war, narrated by generals and filmed from the noses of bombs, the human story of this global conflict remains untold. "The Fourth World War" brings together the images and voices of the war on the ground. It is a story of a war without end and of those who resist. Official selection of the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam 2004.

A benefit for Not in Our Name -- proceeds to help cover expenses of Stephen’s defense; co-sponsored by the Stephen Funk Legal Defense Committee. Suggested donation: $10 - $20 (no one turned away for lack of funds--free admission for AWOL troops).

Event endorses include: Bay Area United Against War, Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, Global Exchange, International ANSWER, International Socialist Organization, Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace, Middle East Children’s Alliance, Refuse & Resist!, and Queers for Peace and Justice.

PDF event leaflet (515k)

More information:
Not in Our Name Bay Area and "Free Stephen Funk!"

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by Bi-Guy (iswallow [at]
Stephen is hot as hell, and gay to boot! Would love for him to plant his seed in my mouth!
by in case you're wondering
>"Remember Madrid."

This refers to a comment that was removed.
by Truth
Funk is a weasel who enlisted then reneged on his word when it came time to fulfil his commitment. This turd deserved a lot longer than 6 months.
by free
This turd should have least spent 1-2 years in jail. Oh well. dont cry when the Mp's from the prison only get 3 months for the prisoner abuse.
by but you're wrong.
the coward traitor is at 1600 pennsylvania ave.

"the buck stops.... at the pentagon."

well it beats waiting out the war in bumfuck alabama, pretending you're in the air guard....
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