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Virgin teens 'have same STD rate' - BBC

by Sally Scott
Young Americans who pledge to remain virgins until they marry have the same rates of sexually transmitted diseases as those who do not, a new study says.

Virgin teens 'have same STD rate'

Young Americans who pledge to remain virgins until they marry have the same rates of sexually transmitted diseases as those who do not, a new study says.

Teenagers who take a public vow to abstain from sex have fewer partners and get married earlier.

"It's difficult to simultaneously prepare for sex and say you're not going to have sex," the study's author Peter Bearman told the AP news agency.

'Just say no'

The research, which is being presented at the National STD Conference in Philadelphia, examined the sex lives of 12,000 adolescents.

The data was gathered from young people aged 12 to 18 who were questioned again six years later.

According to the study, the STD rates were:

Whites who pledged virginity 2.8% - did not 3.5%

Blacks: pledgers 18.1% - non-pledgers 20.3%

Asians: pledgers 10.5% - non-pledgers 5.6%

Hispanics: pledgers 6.7% - non-pledgers 8.6%

The study's authors say that from a statistical point of view, the rates are the same for both groups.

"The message is really simple: 'Just say no' may work in the short-term but doesn't work in the long-term," Peter Bearman of Columbia University's Department of Sociology said.

Sexual activity

Critics of abstinence-only education said the findings showed that adolescents benefit from sex education.

"It's a tragedy if we withhold from these kids information about how not to get STDs or not to get pregnant," Dorothy Mann, of the Family Planning Council, told the Associated Press.

But promoters of abstinence argue that telling young people about condoms and other forms of contraception increases sexual activity - and as a result increases the rate of teenage pregnancy and the transmission of sexual diseases.

US President George W Bush has massively increased funding and support for the US sexual abstinence movement during his term in office.

Christian abstinence organisation True Love Waits says it has more than one million card-carrying young members.

On 13 February, thousands of American teenagers celebrated a "Day of Purity" to promote sexual abstinence.
Story from BBC NEWS:


Looks like two beers and a backseat on a dark road STILL over come all the preaching
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AIDS apologists  are those who know HIV leads to AIDS (proven by science, so much scientific proof) and we are defending the scientifically known fact that viral pathogenesis and progression of 'HIV to AIDS'  causes  the eventual need for combination therapies to prolong life. Mixed "AIDS Apologist" links here or find comments here from both sides (dissidents and the scientific community), but still about AIDS Apologist activities...

AIDS dissidents (better known as AIDS Denialists who are AIDS dissidence, dissidence is anti-establishment like, against science and progression, argumentative) deny HIV causes AIDS and claim the medications kill the patients (AZT "over use" alone started this myth in the late 80s, but medicine combo/therapies are working today in the year 2000+). Basically a group of non doctors and non scientists who challenge the conventional HIV/AIDS model or hypothesis and do not accept the proven evidence. These dissident groups seem almost fanatical by them posting the same message multiple times to a targeted list of internet websites (non dissident sites of course, clogging up the normal flow of reading material with intentions of shutting the sites down) and insulting/bashing anyone who may not agree.

What are AIDS dissidents? Find out who, what, where, when and why:

What are AIDS denialists all about? See the myths exposed:

Learn about how they are murdering HIV positive people:


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