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Indybay Feature

DEAD PREZ for Education not Incarceration SATURDAY

by Jonah
DEAD PREZ Dowtown Oakland TOMORROW (SATURDAY)!\ for ONLY $5 for Education not Incarceration!!!!
DEAD PREZ Dowtown Oakland TOMORROW (SATURDAY)!\ for ONLY $5 for Education not Incarceration!!!!

Who: DEAD PREZ, Jahi and the Life, the Addict
Merchants, and the Attik
What: Revolution 2004: Education Not Incarceration
When: Saturday, Feb. 21 8-11pm
Where: Historic Sweet's Ballroom, 1933 Broadway, (next
to 19th Street BART Station, accessible by the 51 Bus)
Price: $5 All ages

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by spread the word
hey, can you all bring some flyers about Dennis Kucinich to the show. We got to start speaking out and demanding integrity in politics. The youth are going to pay the price if we don't by way of a draft for perpetual war on terror, outsourcing jobs, increasing drug war,impending martial law....
Please do anything to encourage the youth to get out and vote and vote for DK.
by g
it would be supremely ironic to bring flyers for a political candidate to a dead prez show.... 2004 is the year of the refusal to vote - representative democracy is on the decline!
by Matthew From Uhuru (oak_inpdum [at]
"You have the emergence in human society of this thing called the State. What is the State? The State is organized bureaucracy. It is the police department. It is the army, the navy. It is the prison system, the courts…The reality is the police and the State become necessary in human society only at that juncture where there is a split between those who have and those who ain’t got."
--Omali Yeshitela, leader of the Uhuru Movement
as heard on “Police State”
from Let’s Get Free by Dead Prez

If you want to hear directly from the political organizer who inspired Dead Prez and who is featured on their first album, come to the Uhuru House on saturday March 13, 2004 from 12-6pm -- 7911 MacArthur Blvd in Oakland. Omali Yeshitela will be the keynote speaker for a conference on the crisis in the Oakland Public School system. He will also be keynoting an event on Tuesday March 9 at Fellowship Hall at 7 pm.
by student
Thank you for this! Let's pack the show and show the support. Your school is next...
by jz
I really think it BS for people to say not to vote. only priviledged white folks really go for this line. though the system is definitely messed up, it does absolutely nothing and states nothing to not vote. though i'm not sure about kucinich flyers tonight, i'd definitely hope that everyone going will vote and will work to get Bush out of office, because some people lose schools, wealfare, healthcare and have to fight in wars, they don't just write essays and read indymedia.
by Ben Saari
the title says it all
by fuxxord
"i remember sayin dont vote; fuck that, freedom or death is my quote" --from a dp song

by i wonder
i wonder what dead prex thinks of kucinich. im sure they are HUGE fans. they all vote democrat, don't they?
by creature
On not voting: "only priveledged white folks go for this line". Go look at the low percentages of people voting in poor neighborhoods in Oakland. All the evidence is against your position. I'm not telling people whether they should or shouldn't vote but I hate when guilt ridden PC fucks don't do do there basic homework.
by Ben Saari
I've been conflicted about the role of voting for 20 years.

I didn't even register until after 187 and 209 were passed (doh), my band had played rallies against both measures, I decided there was a kind of hipocracy in not voting and being active against a propostion.

However, I can't pin my hopes for radical social change and a transformation of human conciousness on some guy from Ohio, or the party of the Klan (know the history of the Dems, it's foul).

I find people who exhibit hyper-political activity every four years and define something done for 5 minutes in private every four years as the single most important social action of a person to be delusional.

While the Democrats may appeal to the same social base as the radical left, they do not want that social base to be involved in daily political life. The Democrats (and to a large degree the Greens) inability to critize capitalism is their key short coming. Capitalism is the enemy of workers, workers are the people, Democrats defend capitalism, Democrats defend the enemy of the people.
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