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Indybay Feature

March On Oakland Safeway Jan 31

by laborguy
Join Us On Jan 31 On The March On Safeway In Oakland Details
§Safeway Protest This Saturday In Oakland

Save Affordable



Don't Shop At Safeway

March To Support Grocery Workers

Saturday, January 31 at 2 PM

Gather at Mosswood Park, MacArthur & Broadway, Oakland

Workers in Southern California have come up North to ask working families, "Don't shop Safeway anywhere." Grocery workers are fighting to keep affordable health care insurance – something that all working families have earned. Instead, Safeway wants to take away health care.

Here are the facts:
• Safeway demands that workers take a 50% cut in health care coverage.
• Safeway demands that workers making $12 an hour pay up to $5,000 a year to keep their health care.
• Safeway demands that new hires wait a year before they become eligible for health care coverage.

Grocery workers are willing to pay a fair share – over $2,000 a year – to keep coverage. But Safeway said no and walked away from talks.
Working families won't be able to get the health care they've earned under Safeway's proposal and will be forced to rely on overburdened public health care programs.

Californians shouldn't have to pick up Safeway's bill as it pushes working families into taxpayer-funded health care programs. Join us to tell Safeway, we won’t shop until you stop attacking health insurance!

Take Action! Send a fax to Safeway CEO Steve Burd expressing your support for grocery workers and their families. To send a fax, click here!

Download the flyer for the Jan 31 march to support grocery workers

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Just a thought, seeing as though it's kinda hard to see it in the middle of the article.. It'll be great to see more folks out at the East Bay rally...

by Wolverine
If unionized Safeway workers are crossing the picket lines to go to work, why should people who shop at Safeway go through the trouble to find an alternative place to shop?

First, at the very least, no union member should EVER cross any union's picket line. By doing so, the workers in the supposedly progressive Bay Area are undermining the efforts of the workers down south. The most important part of being in a union is the concept that we're ALL in it together.

Second, if the unionized workers here -- who will eventually suffer the same takebacks as their fellow workers down south -- can't be bothered to support their fellow workers and, thus, eventually themselves, how does anyone expect the general public to do so?

If the workers here were respecting the picket lines, there wouldn't be any open Safeways at which to shop and this wouldn't be an issue.
by curious
In N Cal aren't the workers being told to still go to work by the unions? The same unions are organizing pickets in front of the stores telling shoppers to stay away. This doesnt seem that strange considering the goal is to put pressure on management. Decreasing the number of shoppers without a strike puts a lot more pressure on management than going on strike (since workers on strike dont get paid).
by troubled
Whether we like it or not Walmart is moving into the Bay Area with new super stores that include groceries. Walmart is the worlds largest employer and since they won't let employees work full time they don't have to offer them any healthcare. The problem is not Safeway (that curently pays 100% of it's store employees healthcare) the problem is that there should be some sort of legislation that make companies of a certian size provide healthcare for it's employees.
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