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Serious Voter Fraud Charges in SF Mayor's Race

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Serious Voter Fraud Charges in SF Mayor's Race
1 hour, 4 minutes ago

Manuel Ramos

A full-scale investigation is underway into serious charges of voter fraud in San Francisco's mayoral election.
" San Francisco Chronicle investigation uncovered accusations that nine people from the non-profit gardening group SLUG were forced to do work for Gavin Newsom's campaign, and pressured into voting for him for mayor -- told that their jobs with the city would be in danger if they didn't cooperate"

"City workers: We were told to vote, work for Newsom
S.F. city attorney probes campaign charge by 9 street cleaners"

"Street cleaners said their supervisors told them that if Newsom didn't win they might lose their jobs with the city-funded nonprofit organization called the San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners, or SLUG. "
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Call SLUG to find out what the hell they are thinking. Ask them what gavin newscum has to do with urban gardening...
Ten days before the December 9th runoff, Newsom's campaign bragged publicly about how they had "I.D.'d over 83,000 absentee voters" (Code for "Stuffing the Ballot Box"). Another election stolen - Democracy and Destiny Betrayed!
Matt and his supporters need to take their gloves off and take on these mobsters who have robbed us of our electoral victory! Call San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera's office (415) 554-3800 and demand that they fully investigate Newsom's Hijacking of the 2003 Election! Recall Newsom Now!
by Da Community
This new involvement, of Slug with coercion and manipulation of the poor voters that worked for SLUG is nothing new. It has gone on for years, even when Mohammed Nuru was Executive Director of SLUG. Their Board even warned the operational staff about such actions. It continued through Corey’s rein as Executive Director. Why do you think Mohammed was rewarded with his Special Assistant Deputy Director position at DPW.
If you look further into this investigation you will see it happened at YCD, also Miles was rewarded with a Special Assistant to The Mayors Office. It was very simple if you had a Community Based Operation with a lot of manpower you were told to do poor voter manipulation. If you trace the Absentee Voter Records you will find these CBO’s forced their employees to do the same absentee voter number. You will clearly see the high percentage of poor employee’s for SLUG and other CBO’s records. While you are checking see if Nuru set up a clothing manufacturing company to sell uniforms back to SLUG. You all know about Corey writing fake checks while being the ED of SLUG. In conclusion the poor, Poor.
by The Community (Manipulate the Poor)
When Willie Brown was running for reelection in 1999 his office through certain sources convened a meeting of the various Community Based Operations specifically for voter outreach, mind you the local CBO's were 501C3 funded by the city and barred from such activity it was mandatory to be there at City College at 1800 Oakdale. Willie Brown former law partner and still S.F Superior Court Judge Dearman was in attendance. He was due to speak, when he saw what was taking place he quietly left. We are sure he can be Subpoenaed and attest to this fact.
by The Community (Manipulate the Poor)
When Willie Brown was running for reelection in 1999 his office through certain sources convened a meeting of the various Community Based Operations specifically for voter outreach, mind you the local CBO's were 501C3 funded by the city and barred from such activity it was mandatory to be there at City College at 1800 Oakdale. Willie Brown former law partner and still S.F Superior Court Judge Dearman was in attendance. He was due to speak, when he saw what was taking place he quietly left. We are sure he can be Subpoenaed and attest to this fact.
by Non Profit pathfinder
Program Description
The San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners was formed in response to Federal funding cuts in community gardening programs in 1983. SLUG is dedicated to improving the quality of life in San Francisco through a variety of educational and construction/maintenance projects, while employing over 120 full- and part-time staffers.
SLUG helps to maintain over 100 community gardens, offers educational opportunities to over 150 at-risk youth participants each year, and employs over 100 residents, most from the inner city

SLUG organization and policy is determined by a Board of Directors, headed by Executive Director Mohammed Nuru
by San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners (SLUG (Cory Calandra, Executive Director)
Berkeley Workshop on Environmental Politics: Institute of International Studies; University of California Berkeley
Go to the Table of Contents
San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners (SLUG)
2088 Oakdale Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94121
(415) 285-7584
Fax: (415) 285-7586; Website:

Contact person: Cory Calandra, Executive Director

by pointer
Click here:
by Carl Limbacher and (More Nuru)
Thursday, March 13, 2003

U.N. Plaza Needs Fence to Keep Out the Trash

United Nations Plaza in San Francisco, a magnet for pigeons and vagrants galore, will be fenced off because it has become a "depository of drug paraphernalia and human waste," a city official admits.

Mohammed Nuru, deputy director of operations in the city's labyrinthine Department of Public Works, said, "We don't have any more resources to deal with an accumulating quantity of trash and garbage deposited in and around the fountain every day."

Now can we puh-leeze fence off the garbage at the U.N. in New York, or better yet brick up all the doors and windows to keep the trash inside?

by The Community (Save Slug Prosecute the Thugs)
San Francisco Gardener’s Board has been upstanding, and very dedicated, except for one or two members, unfortunately their Operational Staff Executive Directors have been less than admirable and downright crooked. A beautiful program that has served the community well should be kept however, strictly regulated with clear directions no voter interface, and Sticking to Gardening.
Mohammed, Corey, and Jonathan should do Jail time for their manipulations and in some cases deportation, for their lawlessness. SLUG needs to remain a viable entity for the community of San Francisco, and its Gardens
by Visitacion Valley (receive regular e-mail updates)
Intimidations at the polls

This polling place in Visitacion Valley is the source of several reports of voter intimidation. The voting booths were in a public meeting room just a few steps inside these doors.

The area in front of the fencing was occupied by at least four young African-American men, each wearing a 49er jacket. Of course, electioneering within 100 feet of a polling place is illegal. To add to this strange picture, many voters would stop and talk with these men before and after they voted.

Inside the polling place, several Asian American voters have reported that poll workers took the ballots from their hands and looked them over front and back. Like electioneering, this is another clear violation of election law, as privacy of the ballot is an essential part of the right to vote.

As in other parts of the city, a number of voters expressed concern as to whether or not their vote ever made it to the ballot box. One woman saved her voting receipt and the three receipts of her family members and asked if I could check for her to see if her vote had been counted. Sadly, I had to report to her what investigative reporter Peter Bryne learned from the Department of Elections. Even though every voter gets a receipt with a number matching the number on his or her ballot, the department claims it is "impossible" to match receipts with ballots and apparently cannot be compelled to even try.

I did urge her to hold onto the receipts because "you never know, things may change." The irony of her coming to this country from a totalitarian regime and then experiencing this travesty of justice in an American election was not lost on either of us.

70% voted "Yes" when the marjority of the rest of the city was voting "No," a 35% higher-that-last-year turnout on a rainy day, and a population of hard working, low income home owners voting to give a football team owner $100,000,000 in tax dollars.

That's what we're supposed to believe happened in Visitacion Valley on June 3rd.

by WTF
Since when does Indymedia advertise
by Just a source
It was just a source for a story that needed to be told of the corruption and voter fraud in San Francisco. After all the Chronicle isn't going to the research depth and giving the history so a very complete investigation can be done so the real culprits can do some time in a resort that they justly deserve. So maybe San Francisco can have some truly clean elections, instead of Mimicking Tammany Hall, and Chicago under Daley's "VOTE EARLY AND VOTE OFTEN".
by Tony Winogrocki (tonywinogrocki [at]
We do need to recall Newsom, the question is when. It will take some carefull planning but well worth the effort. I would encourage very progressive to start thinking about this and post their thoughts.
by Anastasia Hendrix, Chronicle Staff Writer
A San Francisco city official has been forbidden from having contact with a nonprofit group whose employees accused him of pressuring them to work and vote for Gavin Newsom in the mayoral election.

Mohammed Nuru, deputy director of the Department of Public Works, will conduct no further business with the San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners, or SLUG, a city-funded nonprofit that employs street cleaners in a welfare-to- work program, said Christine Falvey, the department's spokeswoman.

Last week, state and local officials opened investigations into allegations made by nine street cleaners who told The Chronicle that Nuru, SLUG's executive director Jonathan Gomwalk, and crew supervisors pressured them to electioneer and vote for Newsom. The street cleaners said they were told that they might lose their jobs if Newsom didn't win.

Yesterday, Falvey said that all business with SLUG -- which Nuru headed for nine years before then-Mayor Willie Brown hired him in the Department of Public Works -- would now be handled by a designated contract manager in the department.

Falvey said Director of Public Works Ed Lee also will send letters early this week to about 300 companies and nonprofit organizations that hold contracts with the city asking them to report "any inappropriate behavior,'' she said.

The letter will include a reminder that lobbying for any candidate or issue is prohibited by law for organizations that receive city funds, she said.

"We are taking this very seriously," Falvey said of the investigations by the Voter Protection and Fraud Unit of the secretary of state and the city attorney's office.

Mayor Newsom announced last week that he planned to send a directive explaining city laws against politicking on city time to all city workers and contractors as well.

Nuru, who has continued to attend SLUG events since being hired by the city in 2000 and maintains a close friendship with Gomwalk, has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

"What I do on my time off is my business,'' he said during an interview yesterday at his home in the Bayview. "On election day, I volunteered on my own time. I was not working for the city that day and I never told anybody who to vote for ... . I never intimidated anyone, and I did not do anything wrong."

Nuru said he was unclear about whether the order to stop doing business with SLUG applies to his friendship with Gomwalk, with whom he has continued to speak.

"My interpretation of the memo is that SLUG business is SLUG business, and I understand that I am not to be involved with SLUG until the investigation is totally cleared up. I totally agree with that,'' said Nuru, who said he plans to seek legal advice about the investigations.

"All I know is that I am being treated unfairly," he said. "I'm really looking forward to a full-scale investigation because I am totally and completely innocent. I am being scapegoated."

Gomwalk also has denied any wrongdoing, saying that SLUG street cleaners were encouraged to vote as part of an educational component of the welfare-to- work program.

Chronicle staff writer Delfin Vigil contributed to this report.

A newly formed group with ties to San Francisco Supervisor Matt Gonzalez's 2003 mayoral campaign said Thursday it had cataloged more than 150 complaints of voter fraud during the Dec. 9 mayoral runoff and wants a permanent group formed at City Hall to investigate election irregularities.

The 15-member group calling itself the People of Color Caucus said the incidents ranged from physical intimidation and verbal taunts at polling places to voters being turned away or given discouraging or misleading information about whether they could cast a ballot, caucus member Renee Saucedo said.

The majority of the reports were in the Bayview and other neighborhoods with large populations of minority residents, Saucedo said at a press conference on the steps outside City Hall.

"We are here to demand that this very basic democratic civil right that has been violated be investigated,'' said Anamaria Loya, executive director of La Raza Centro Legal and a caucus member.

Peter Ragone, spokesman for Mayor Gavin Newsom, questioned why the allegations were made at a press conference and not referred to authorities with jurisdiction to investigate such claims.

"The differences here are stark," Ragone said. "We're in City Hall trying to find common ground with our opponents from the campaign, and they're outside holding divisive campaign rallies.'' he said.

Caucus member Marc Salomon said the group compared government death and voter records, and the preliminary findings raise questions about whether votes were cast illegally.

Members of the caucus were Gonzalez campaign workers. Gonzalez did not return a call Thursday seeking comment about the allegations.

John Arntz, director of the city Department of Elections, said all complaints of voter fraud are referred to the district attorney's office for possible investigation. He said his office doesn't have the resources to investigate on its own and that establishing such a unit at the department would be redundant.

A spokeswoman for District Attorney Kamala Harris did not return a call seeking comment.

Arntz said his department received many calls from both the Newsom and Gonzalez campaigns about questionable activity on election day and referred them to the Police Department.
by Anastasia Hendrix, Chronicle Staff Writer (ahendrix [at]


Group tied to Gonzalez seeks probe of runoff vote
Caucus says minorities taunted, misled

Anastasia Hendrix, Chronicle Staff Writer Friday, January 23, 2004


A newly formed group with ties to San Francisco Supervisor Matt Gonzalez's 2003 mayoral campaign said Thursday it had cataloged more than 150 complaints of voter fraud during the Dec. 9 mayoral runoff and wants a permanent group formed at City Hall to investigate election irregularities.

The 15-member group calling itself the People of Color Caucus said the incidents ranged from physical intimidation and verbal taunts at polling places to voters being turned away or given discouraging or misleading information about whether they could cast a ballot, caucus member Renee Saucedo said.

The majority of the reports were in the Bayview and other neighborhoods with large populations of minority residents, Saucedo said at a press conference on the steps outside City Hall.

"We are here to demand that this very basic democratic civil right that has been violated be investigated,'' said Anamaria Loya, executive director of La Raza Centro Legal and a caucus member.

Peter Ragone, spokesman for Mayor Gavin Newsom, questioned why the allegations were made at a press conference and not referred to authorities with jurisdiction to investigate such claims.

"The differences here are stark," Ragone said. "We're in City Hall trying to find common ground with our opponents from the campaign, and they're outside holding divisive campaign rallies.'' he said.

Caucus member Marc Salomon said the group compared government death and voter records, and the preliminary findings raise questions about whether votes were cast illegally.

Members of the caucus were Gonzalez campaign workers. Gonzalez did not return a call Thursday seeking comment about the allegations.

John Arntz, director of the city Department of Elections, said all complaints of voter fraud are referred to the district attorney's office for possible investigation. He said his office doesn't have the resources to investigate on its own and that establishing such a unit at the department would be redundant.

A spokeswoman for District Attorney Kamala Harris did not return a call seeking comment.

Arntz said his department received many calls from both the Newsom and Gonzalez campaigns about questionable activity on election day and referred them to the Police Department.

by Public Guardian
The Supervisors should ask Bill Lee City Administrator to run the payroll addresses for city workers against the voter registration addresses for city workers looking for the exception for those that are registered that live out of the city. We suspect the numbers are in the hundreds if not the thousands. This is a very easy data base program to run, it would help restore voter integrity to San Francisco
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