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where are the aborigines

by wendy mann
what is it about being part of judeo christian culture that makes us ...
Israel was created and Palestinians have essentially been removed from their land and homes with a loss of rights. 'Americans' removed the natives of the new world, denying them their rights and their land. The Spanish went to the southern Americas and massacred the natives into either certain extinction or certainly a loss of rights and their land. The French, as with the British 'settlers', example of acquiring canadian lands, denying natives. The British went to Australia and today we have an abused native population denied their land and rights.

European (the americas) Judeo-Christian history is littered with the abuse of power, the elimination of native populations and the illegal confiscation of lands . . . We have bathed in the blood of our victims and have denied basic human rights across the globe. Today we have extended our bloodlust to Afghanistan and Iraq and are endeavouring to go further still.

What is it about Judeo-Christian values that encourages the lack of morals, humanity on fellow members of the human race? What is it about our beliefs that we must create death and destruction whereever we go? It surely is time we stepped out of denial and began to realise that we are the 'devils own', it is up to us to recognise and stop our evil-doing.

I think we do have to recognise that our judeo-christian values have been abused so that they are now essentially 'demonic' in nature, we have to recognise that we are enjoying all the fruits of our sinister interventions across the planet. Nowhere do we bring peace, treat our fellow humans as equals. Nowhere do we want to share our good fortune with the hungry, homeless non europeans.

We don't go to help people because they are being terrorised, but instead we help those that do the terrorising on our behalf.

We will fight wars for resources, for geopolitical advantage - not for peace and safeguarding humanity. And we have no boundaries, we will commit atrocities and call them acts of 'liberation'.

We Europeans are innately evil it would appear, since we (humans) are all of one race and there is no real distinction to be made between peoples around the world. We need to understand the reason why we, in Europe, are like this.

A commonality amongst us is our religious roots, a shared history. These have defined our communities and societies, we have endorsed crusades and missionaries. We have wiped out tribal communities in Africa because they were deemed to be 'savages', in fact we went as far as to think in terms of a new science 'eugenics'. 'Race' politics: that non-Europeans are somehow related to monkeys and gorillas whereas we are the sons and daughters of a supreme being. Our saviour is no ordinary prophet but the son of god, even god. We are the chosen people.

We are taught these values, we have them reinforced and we are fed lies to increase our ignorance.

In truth, we are the problem.

Interestingly, Islam is being made to fit a criteria that we claim teaches its adherents to hate us, to hate the USA - that is, obviously, not true. It certainly isn't within Islam to be anti-American and Muslims - as do the Catholics of Latin America, the atheists of the ex-Soviet states or Buddhists of the South East Asia - generally separate their hatred for American foreign policy and their religions.

But it is correct to say that Europeans (West) are trying to reshape Islam into something that can be recognised by us. We need it to be an image of our belief system and it is this reshaping that involves us to feel that it is Islam is our enemy and not an oppressed people that have been abused by us.

The Islam issue is a carefully constructed distraction from our evil-doing. Islam is the label, just as is al-qaeda.

What of democracy? We are not interested in democracy,to even think we do is crass naivity. The democracy debate is just mood ,usic to the ears of the pro zionist, neo cons that justify our interventions without any accountability or responsibility to those we want to eradicate.
Bush said it more succintly: you're either with us or against us.

The debate doesn't exist.
by Mike (stepbystepfarm <a>
You won't find the answer to this "evil" within Judaism, Christianity, or Eurpopean culture.

I'm sorry Wendy, but you can count on the fingers of your hands the peoples we KNOW did not displace aboriginal inhabitants. Probably were no humans on Australia when the "aboriigines" arrived there, though of course being many cultures, once there displacements would have begun. Same with the Micronesians and Melonesians of Pacific Islands. Maybe the Polynesians were first on New Zealand and first on the distant islands like Tahiti and Hawaii (but undobubtably displaced Micronesians/Melonesians on some closer in). We don't know if the Basques and Sami represent "original" Europeans or displaced earlier peoples (all other Eurpopeans are fairly recent, less than 3000 years). In the Americas, the first people arriving didn't displace anybody, but once here the process certainly began. And let's not leave Africa out of this. Or Asia. The Japanese aren't the original inhabitants of those islands (but the Ainu probably were). The Han didn't orginally control all of what is now China, there were MANY different ethnic groups (and still are, BTW).

It's a HUMAN thing. Something we humans seem to do with great regularity. Some animals seem to "respect" prior claim markings by others of their species, others do not, and will fight over territory. In some cases doing so with "ritual display" but in other cases physically. We humans appear to be the latter sort of critters.
by J.M. Rarey (j)
Although true Islam does not teach hatred of America, the extreme, fundamentalist sects do. The Taliban, Al Qaeda and other terrorists do not teach true Islam to their followers.

And to say they seperate American policies from Americans is just plain naive. To make peace with Al Qaeda, American women would have to give up their right to vote, right to education, and to be seen in public.

Now, are you ready to fall in line with Al Qaeda and make peace?

When you come out and publicly declare your willingness to live as they wish us to, then you can talk about making peace with them.

Until that time, the rest of us will support the war against terrorism and help the Iraqi people get their freedom from terrorist oppression. A freedom they are helping fight for, too.

It will be interesting to see how long this article will be left up at this site. My guess is that Indymedia will censor it because it doesn't follow the far left liberal ideal.

It's too bad that the truth doesn't matter to you.
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