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Indybay Feature

Ephedra = outlaw party drug or great green satan

by tkat
This is the last days to buy this wonderful herb, it is both a stimulant and a decongestant.
After hearing the news this morning we thought. "If the government wasn't killing people, destroying the planet, and lying like mad.. . Outlawing Ephedra would be funny." Well not really. It is only an herb that has been used for thousands of years and then kids from the american suburbs discovered it is like legal speed and took too much for too long and now no one can take it.

Many of you may know this, but for those that don't the loving paternalistic FDA is outlawing ephedra today. It is an amazing stimulant, that is organic or more so than other speed type chemicals and is also great for conjestion. It is one of the more active chinese herbs in chinese medicine. I personally find it to be a pleasent alternative to caffiene, it makes me wiggy and dance for hours.

The moral of the story is go buy some now. Take it in sane doses (one or two caps) every once and a while (once or twice a month) and don't use it if you have a heart condition. Drink water, rest, have a good time. It is dehydrating, so if you need to drink, drink water....

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Thu, Jan 22, 2004 12:12PM
heard it before
Tue, Dec 30, 2003 6:46PM
Tue, Dec 30, 2003 3:04PM
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