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Workers Rights Are Human Rights: Union Square @ 5pm

by chuck mcnally (berkeleybowlunion [at]
Join Bay Area Workers, Labor Leaders and Community members in calling for stronger protections for workers' right to organize. For more info read posting below and check out AFL-CIO website about the Employee Free Choice Act
As one of thousands of people who are fired every year for trying to organize a union, I urge you to check out the info on the Employee Free Choice Act, and join us locally at this coming Wednesday's event at Union Square.

One of the Recently Fired Berkeley Bowl Workers -
chuck mcnally
Join us on December 10, International Human Rights Day

A Day To Recognize Workers' Rights Across The World

Join labor and community leaders as we rally on Wednesday, December 10 at 5:00 pm in San Francisco.

Gather at Union Square to support hotel workers organizing a union.
On Dec. 10, tens of thousands of workers, community activists, religious leaders and elected officials from across the nation are sending a single message: Workers’ rights are human rights. As International Human Rights Day, December 10 commemorates the anniversary of the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The declaration guarantees the right of people in every nation to come together into unions and bargain collectively.

For more information, please call the Central Labor Council of Alameda County AFL-CIO at (510) 632-4242
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