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Opportunity to Protest the Gropenfuhrer in Tracy tomorrow

by Kathryn (katchita [at]
Schwarzenegger apparently will not show his face in the Bay Area to ask for his 20-yr $15 billion bond, broad budget cutting powers, and spending caps. Instead, the closest will be in Tracy tomorrow.

Hundreds expected at Schwarzenegger rally
Ben van der Meer
Tracy Press

A cast of hundreds is expected to descend on West Valley Mall on Friday to see a man who, for many, rolls movie star coolness and political charisma into one buff package.

Mall officials are expecting sizable support for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger when he makes his first official San Joaquin County visit at noon that day to push an economic agenda for boosting the state’s fiscal fortunes.

“It’s a great thing for Tracy, and we’re certainly going to try to be good hosts,” said Kathy Grebe, the mall’s marketing manager. But she added that the odds are against the mall being able to accommodate everyone who wants to see the Austrian-born star of “Terminator,” “Predator” and, more recently, “Recall 2003.”

The mall’s food court area will be the site for the governor’s appearance, which will include a half-hour rally, then a speech by the governor at 12:30 p.m.
To make that happen, Grebe said, mall officials will begin roping off areas and moving out tables and chairs as soon as this evening, and will keep the area that way until the appearance.
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