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Indybay Feature


by Remedy
The Water Quality Board fails to protect water quality, again.
Dec. 3, Fortuna, CA – They could have been something. They could have done something meaningful. But instead, the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board failed to stop Maxxam's Pacific Lumber from going for the jugular – the upper main stem of Freshwater Creek. Nor will the cutting stop in other areas of the struggling watershed, nor will it stop in Elk River.

The question in Wednesday’s meeting was whether or not the board would adopt recommendations in the Final Report by the Independent Science Review Panel, who concluded the only way to curb flooding and degradation of the watersheds is to slow down the rate of logging. Many affected residents of the beleaguered watersheds spoke during the public comment portion of the meeting, using the allotted time of sixty seconds apiece, to explain the increase of flooding and damage to their properties, which began after Maxxam instituted a five-fold increase of logging on the hills above their homes. Members of the Pacific Lumber Company, who were (of course) paid to be in attendance, also addressed the board to dismiss the concerns of Freshwater and Elk River residents, who they said are living on a “flood plain.”

The Water Quality board said their actions at the meeting were “even handed.” Although they will not interfere with logging operations set to begin in January, which is precisely what is needed, they’re going to put other regulations on logging in Freshwater and Elk starting in 2005, after another cycle of irreparable destruction is done. For Freshwater Creek and the residents who live there, 2005 will be too late.

It is obvious the Water Quality Board does not understand what is happening in the two watersheds despite the amount of time, money, and science used to study the matter. To them, ignorance is not only bliss; it is part of the job. The Water Quality Board’s staff have been filing “non-concurrences” on Timber Harvest Plans for years due to further degradation caused by Maxxam’s liquidation logging, but the board continually refuses to take action.

The logging conducted in these two watersheds, and logging throughout PL’s 220,000 claimed acres, is based on fraud. It is also based on a fatally flawed Sustained Yield Plan that was thrown out by Judge John Golden in June 2003. Regardless, the cutting continues, and neither Judge Golden, the Department of Forestry [sic] nor the Water Quality Board find it necessary to stop it, let alone slow it down.

Following the meeting, residents of the Elk River Watershed noticed Pacific Lumber conducting timber operations until at least 11:00 pm, and trucks carrying baby trees were still coming out early Thursday morning.
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by semp
The mission statement of SWRCB.

"The State board's mission is to preserve, enhance and restore the quality of California's water resources and to ensure their proper allocation and efficient use for the benefit of present and future generations."

One question posed by the water board staff at yesterday's hearing was: "Does the board conclude that additional Board actions to regulate non-point source (beyond the current program) are neccessary to adhere the scale and rate of land disturbance activities in the five watersheds?"

The staff presentation went on to point out the they non-concurred on 9 of the 15 present Timber Harvest Plans in the hopper for 2004. 5 Thp's in the Freshwater watershed, 9 in the Elk River watershed and 1 in the Bear Creek watershed are all substandard THP's in view of the waterboard staff.

The water board has the authority to protect the residents from flooding but choose to do nothing this year. The threat for 2005 looms over them, but by that time the 500 clearcut acres will be logged and it'll be 30 plus inches of water in people's living rooms, rather than 23 or 24 inches. Maxxam whines about whines about non violent protesters trespassing on their land, meanwhile they are trespassing in people's living rooms. I wonder when one of the public angency's will stand up to these bullies? How many landowners lives have to be destroyed before someone with a backbone will stand up to this out of county corporation? Those questions don't even get into the loss of habitat and descretion of species. Freshwater used to be one of the last five viable coho salmon streams, but it seems like no one at the government level gives a rats ass about the loss of life.

Remember, all these jobs the company touts they are trying to ensure are going away in 2007-08 based on their own Pacific Meridian report. Ol chucky boy will have paid off the debts he financed in the fraudulent Headwaters Scam.
by Wildcard
It's always easier to step aside and let evil forge ahead. It's easier to do nothing. It's hard to do the right thing. This Board is full of weak, ineffective individuals who choose the easy over the right. Forest Defense is hard because it is the right thing to do.
by Wildcard
Doing the right thing is always hard. This Board chooses to do the easy thing and step aside to let evil prevail. They are weak and ineffective. Forest Defense is hard because it is the right thing to do.
by moth
Sediments from erosion fill Grizzly Creek
obvious to me from just a peek

Clear cutting removes tree roots that hold soil
MAXXAM's actions justified by financial spoil

People of Humboldt know they've been screwed
by a corporation greedy, cruel and rude

Redwood forest biodiversity suffers in silent pain
as their thousand year soil washes away in rain

Fallen trees, beetles and fungi working together
formed soil over years since way back forever

Quick start of a corporate chainsaw's petroleum gas
the forest is gone and soil washes downslope fast

Monoculture tree farm does not replace old growth
Canopy diversity needed for most

Marbled murrlets, lichen and red tree voles
love the huge redwoods and numerous bolls

To survive redwood sorrel needs canopy shade
clearcuts slice sorrel with radiation's blade

We ask time again
that clear cutting end

MAXXAM needs to leave
so we all can breathe

by sunfox
you distract from the common goal and your statements lack technical credability

by moth
Soil erosion is the result of clear cutting. The redwood topsoil layer, also called humus takes many hundreds of years to develop to full potential. This is from insects, beetles, microarthropods and bacteria recycling the carbon matter of tree trunk into soil..

After a clear cut the soil has nothing to hold it stable on the steep slopes, and most of it washes downstream in just one rainy season. So not only is MAXXAM killing ancient trees, they are killing ancient soil..

There is nothing in the above poem that is false, it may seem a bit vague, but it is written by real moth, not imposter..

by Gypsymoth
The idea that an action can be deemed morally "right" because it is hard to execute is laughable. The difficultly of the task has no ethical bearing whatsoever.

With your trite rhyming couplets, most emabarrassingly forced, your poem reads as would a childrens book penned by an illiterate. Please don't post any more "poems" until you obtain a basic understanding of (and respsect for) the language you use.
by Wildcard
Your limited life experiences has obviously lead you to believe that my premise is laughable. Standing up to moral wrongs and evil doers is hard. I'm sure, at some point in your life you will have the opportunity to find that I'm right.

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