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Indybay Feature

rev. billy vs. starbucks seattle

by sparkle girl
sparkle girl documents the power of faith
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Tonight Sparkle Girl had the good fortune to attend a reading by the Reverend Billy (praise Jesus) at Elliot Bay Book Company. The Reverend, spreading the “good news” of his Church Of Stop Shopping- from New York to the savage wilderness of Seattle, graced this city with a visit en route to do the Lord’s work in London. After a captivating reading from his newest gospel, “What Should I Do If Reverend Billy Is In My Store?” (this man is one HELL of a talented thespian), the Rev. fired up his farr and his chutzpah and led a flock of the faithful into the belly of the beast, the FIRST Starbucks in the Pike Street Market. Cowed by the humbling authenticity of the original LOGO, we listened in awe as the Reverend expounded on the Gnostic meanings of this sacred tablet. It was both enervating and frightening, this goddess-beast revealed unto us, sagging breasts, scowling mien and all, inviting us into her most secret abysses (amen). Discarding his megaphone, trusting in the rich timbre of the voice that God gave him, Rev. Billy entered this primordial dragons den. As he preached with fervor, terror was struck into the hearts of the suffering lambs who staffed the store. The Good Reverend reached out with pity and compassion to these poor souls, but alas, they were already lost. Rather than being dazzled and thrilled by the intrusion of art and power into their otherwise miserable lives, they attempted to cover their shame at being participants rather than spectators by sneering and rolling their eyes (and they seemed so beautiful in their innocence, even as lambs). Of course this is always the result when the illusionary veil between life and art is breached and we must not shun the wretched, for they are ourselves (hallelujah). Overall, friends, there was much rejoicing tonight in our coastal shire, and we have truly seen the light. Neoliberal capitalist consumption is being consumed from the cancers within. In the name of JESUS, we will bring it down. For as the disciples of Jesus said so many years ago, WE ARE EVERYWHERE.
Though local media (including the so called “alternative” the Strang...-you know their name) were notified, they never showed, thus it is left to the people (Sparkle Girl, in this case) to document the rapture and to bear witness. Amen.
The included field recording is unedited.

God Bless You All.

Sparkle Girl
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by sparkle girl
played this story on at 5pm on saturday dec. 6
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