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Indybay Feature

Revolutionary Memo

by Stormy (species_traitor [at]
A Revolutionary Memo from Earth Fist
Brothers and sisters, fellow fighters, revolutionaries, evolutionaries, anti-Machine activists: the time has come to shrug off the rusty, ineffective battle gear of the Past and don a new, superior suit of armor. Gone are the days of Greenpeace and Earth First! with their worn out environmental dogma. Our planet is dying and we leave the saving of it to pot-smoking hippies and grandmothers with too much time on their hands. In the distant past, when the village was threatened, the bravest and strongest fighters responded, not the weak or the bored. It is time to join forces against BushCheneyRoveRum, to topple the Military Industrial Complex, to set aside mass appeals and smelly redwood tree costumes, to break the peace signs into kindling and start a fire that will burn long into the night! Machine Culture is in control. The Terminator lives in your own backyard. We have no choice but to fight if we are to save our planet, our fellow Earthlings, and ourselves. If you are interested in real work, not talk talk talk and tree sitting, email me. Fight fire with fire! Hackers/forest defenders/black bloc unite!

species_traitor [at]
by don't fall for it
Never commit a felony with someone you haven't known for ten years.
by Your Teacher
O.K. here they are:

comments: very poorly written and thought out rant that seems more appropriate to a sloppily hacked together anacho-punk 'zine by a bunch of former--and present--glue sniffers. bad metaphors and faux angry-young-man eco-warrior cliches.

comments: a cop/infiltrator couldn't have done a better job in presenting the muddled mind of a suburban, middle class, barely post-high school wanna-be terrorist.

Educational Recommendation: get off the teat of mom and dad and see how fucking hard it is trying to eke out a living supporting yourself and still be concerned about massive historical transformation through revolution, especially doing something appealing to your lame do-gooder socially conscious instincts like me, your teacher. And learn to read. Learn some history and REAL political theory.That's the beginning of a real education. Then you'll see how your Weather Underground/ELF/ALF/guerrilla warfare fantasies don't go very far from your pampered bedroom and idle internet chatting. Only then can you really GET A LIFE.

Your concerned Teacher
by biggistguy
Ya! Someone give the teacher an apple. Thanks for saying what needs to be said.
by Stormy's brother Bobby
Please Stormy,

Mom said if you post any more terrorist threats on the internet she's gonna throw away our Playstation 2 and she's gonna yank both of us out of soccer. Please stop before we're both grounded. Anyway, the more you surf the net and play terrorist guerilla, the less you do your homework. Please don't get both of us busted.

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