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Thinking of getting hired to the government - not without a red book of the Party

by Åke Tyvi (mraketyvi [at]
Short story of explaining about Finnish Government's hiring policy.

November 11, 2003

FINLAND - A socialistic nation full of surprises even to original inhabitants. Last week I seek job from the Finnish Government. I decided to apply to one of the biggest government computing bureau not only in charge of computing, but other government interests too. A wonderful place to work, if one is interested in mass computing and transaction handling - at least at the time I thought so.

Since I am short of money after having fought against the Finnish Government Legal bureau and Police, I though it was time to get a decent real job. Something even my becoming woman might be prod of. A tough decision to such a young entrepreneur like myself, who believes in making business with private sector, but I made my mind up to give a try.

Finally I finished my application and CCV. I was ready to go for it. Just the last check up - to proof read the documents and send them to the one in charge of hiring people. I was almost happy, I felt like I could finally get rid of those paranoid feelings towards Finland's socialists and commies, I had felt during the last seven years. I had already learned, that our police commissioners, including Finnish Security Police, were only working for the commies and I had understood, that there in no way of punishing a socialistic lagman beating physically people - Amnesty International is a good joke to people like myself. So this could be the turning point in my Russia schizophrenia diagnose - no more Russian inhabitants practicing commando climbing on the walls of the block of flats in suburban area. Perfect I was thinking. Now I just have to deliver this application to the bureau. And on my way I was.

It was about to be almost a perfect day to a capitalist in a socialist state called Finland. In a State, were even its socialists President Tarja Halonen 'is singing like a happy little bird' in her airplane. Until someone gives me a clue; this particular bureau needs to know 'what kind of person you are' and 'are you a member of the socialist party'. At the time I understood, that all this hunting having taken place during the last seven years are because I come from a capitalist family, at the very same time I understood having lost my park apartment because of the same socialists making false judgments to please themselves and Russia, and at the same time I finally understood I must had got my first job at the Tampere Technical University party because of my first long time girl fiend at the time were closed related to commies through her family. All marks of socialism and how Finland is working. The only thing to be solved out still is, did I really got mad because of Finns, or did someone made a mistake in trying to kill me as a commie in the States. Since if so, my advice is to keep up the good work, but to be more careful next time.

This was about to be another almost perfect day, but it became only another hard day's nigh. More I was thinking about those people having yelled in mass media about my article I started to feel like maybe they should check which party they support?

I even wrote a letter to Finnish National Coalition Party saying nothing but explaining the situation, but I believe more in USA's hate towards socialism and communism, that to our end capitalists after what I have been through.

Why should I believe to people, who stole my house, property and did not treat me while I was suffering from odd physical decease. And why should I believe to these people, since they have not stopped. I rather believe in guns.

Åke Tyvi
Apupoika - Business Intelligence Finland
by nick (lewis)

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