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Indybay Feature

Speaking Truth to Empire: End the OccupationND THE OCCUPATION

by Katrina Y (kyeaw [at]
San Francisco State will be hosting a leg of the national Campus Anti-War Network speaking tour on October 16th.
Speaking Truth to Empire: END THE OCCUPATION
San Francisco State University
THIS Thursday, October 16th
4-6 PM in the Humanities Building, Room 133.

The event will feature:
Medea Benjamin
-director, Global Exchange
Eyad Kishawi
-Free Palestine Alliance
Michael Parenti
-author of Against Empire
plus a speaker from MILITARY FAMILIES SPEAK OUT AGAINST WAR and our elected student speaker, Katrina Yeaw.

Millions of people marched against the war last year- calling to stop the war before it started.  Now, months after "military aggression has ended,"  the antiwar movement continues to organize!

Iraq faces unstable conditions, sporadic electricity, and unsanitary water because of the US invasion.  Iraqis are finding midnight raids, crack-downs on protests, humiliation and death at the hands of their "liberators."  As Medea Benjamin said, "Iraqis sense they've lost their country."  

Yet large corporations are racing to cash in on markets and resources- from Halliburton to Bechtel, while innocent people continue to die at the hands of the US.  Micheal Ignatieff of the New YorkTimes Magazine said as much recently.  "It was never simply a matter of preventing the use of weapons of mass destruction; rather, it was about consolidating American power in the Arab world."

Domestically, Americans have been forced to pick up the bill to fund this modern day colonialism, on top of increased cuts in social spending from state to federal levels.  Moreover, the government is looking for more troops and more money to fund their quagmire, while cuts in school funding, health care, and jobs continue on a massive scale. 

Seeing that the brutal occupation is just the next step of a brutal war, the Campus Antiwar Network and Muslim Students' Association is organizing a national speaking tour to speak truth to these horrors and expose the occupation for what it is: The United States controlling- at the end of gun- the country of Iraq. 

End the Occupation of Iraq!  Money for Schools and Jobs, not War!

Speaking Truth to Empire is coming to a campus near you!

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