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Indybay Feature

Nov. 2 Benefit Screening of Something in the Air" for Indigenous Community Radio

by Stephen Dunifer
A benefit Screening for TUPA (Transmitters Uniting the Peoples of the Americas), a project of Free Radio Berkeley to create, fund and support community radio stations in Mexico, Central America and South America.
Free Radio Berkeley Presents:

"Something in the Air – Oma Onda No Ar"

A benefit Screening for TUPA (Transmitters Uniting the Peoples of the Americas), a project of Free Radio Berkeley to create, fund and support community radio stations in Mexico, Central America and South America.
90 minute film – Portuguese with English subtitles

7 PM - Sunday, November 2
$5-$15 sliding scale donation
La Peña Cultural Center ~ 3105 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley
About the film:

"You are in the slums" ... "You are listening to Radio Favela, FM 104.5." These words—accompanied by the sounds of gunshots—begin Helvecio Ratton's inspired dramatization of the true story of Brazil's first clandestine community radio station: its creation; its determined, twenty-year fight to survive; and its ultimate, long-delayed, official acceptance.

At the heart of the film are four, close, high school buddies—Jorge, Zekiel, Brau, and Roque—full of youthful energy, prankishness, and each dreaming of a different future: college, radio repair, music, drug sales. During a boredom-filled two-week suspension from school, Jorge and Zekiel cobble together their first transmitter and put Radio Favela on the air. The station, with music, social commentary, call-ins, advice, and messages for lost or straying family members is an immediate hit. Soon the favela pops and crackles with the sound of its new station—low in technical quality but high in human energy.

Free Radio Berkeley
1442A Walnut St.
Suite 406
Berkeley, CA 94709
510-625-0314 / 510-595-4605
xmtrman [at]

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