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The White Man's Last Stand

by Francisco Frias (mymailboxwontbeflooded [at]
An article on the California recall process by a Los Angeleno.
I must be an extremist. I write letters to newspapers and they don’t get published. I call radio talk shows and I don’t get air time. And yet, what I have to say is easily understood by rational people. When one is a member of the majority, what one thinks is a luxury. One’s perception of reality is not any more correct or less correct because one belongs to the majority, but it definitely has more leverage, more weight.

A case in point is Cruz Bustamante’s performance in the last gubernatorial debate. According to the L.A. Times October 3 rd edition, he was described as, “A large lump(Fox News);” “A giant sleeping cat(San Francisco Chronicle);” “He would have a great career if radio were the dominant medium(Washington Post);” “Calm and collected but also rude in a passive-aggressive kind of way(Sacramento Bee).” Various writers published by the LA Weekly have described him as “tainted;” “barely passes the so so bar;” and “rotten.” All of the writers quoted are white. Males.

I have a different perspective. I like Cruz’s laid back style. He already holds the political office of Lieutenant Governor. He’s against the recall. He is not in an all or nothing situation. He expects California’s electorate to be intelligent enough to recognize Schwarzenegger’s egregious lies and exaggerations.

Arnold is not just incapable of telling the truth about California’s situation, he can’t even tell the truth about himself. He describes himself as someone who arrived in California with empty pockets and a dream. There have been numerous biographies published on his life, most of them authorized. One of them is Arnold Schwarzenegger: Larger Than Life by Craig A. Doherty. It tells a different story. When Arnold came to California, he had already won the Mr. Universe contest and had already met Joe Weider who set him up with a sponsorship deal which included an apartment in Venice and financial compensation. Quite a difference from “empty pockets” and a “dream.”

Additionally, Schwarzenegger ‘ s exaggerations rely on a psychology of fear. California has the worst business climate in the country, and if the Terminator is not elected, droves of jobs will leave California. Apparently, quite a persuasive argument for his legions of supporters. He repeated this several times during the gubernatorial debate.

Another lie is, “I am providing after school programs for children.” After school programs that Hispanic children benefit from, some will add. As pointed out by Arrianna Huffington during the debate, not a single after school program has been funded through Proposition 49, which he campaigned for, because it lacks a funding stream.

Many Hispanics regard Arnold Schwarzenegger as a racist. A mere nine years ago, Arnold voted to deny pre-natal health care to pregnant women and to throw an estimated 300,000 children, many of them American citizens, out of schools. When he hired Pete Wilson, the architect of Proposition 187, to be his campaign manager, it revealed a giant ignorance about how this would be perceived by Hispanics. Or perhaps he knew but didn’t care. Undoubtedly, he shares ideological bonds with Pete Wilson, the man who a few years ago told us that California was under siege by illegal immigration, and then proceeded to repeat lie after lie about immigrants, in a manner which recalled Adolf Hitler’s statement that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it. Arnold has learned well.

Schwarzenegger ‘s opposition to SB 60, the bill which allows undocumented people to apply for a driver’s license, has further consolidated the negative perception which Hispanics have of him. He cites security concerns. Bill Bratton, the LAPD chief, doesn’t seem to share them. He supports the bill. With 10 million people living in the L.A. metropolitan area, I can think of no other person in California who has a greater direct responsibility for protecting the population from terrorism. So which is it Arnold? Security concerns, or do you share with your Republican colleague Tom McClintock, the rhetorical, yet impractical position that allowing undocumented people to hold a driver’s license would be rewarding illegal immigration?

Cruz Bustamante does not need an over the top debating style to convince us to vote for him. He does not need to kick and scream like Arrianna Huffington. He is the most qualified candidate who will actually get more than 3% of the vote. However, I definitely feel that his TV ads could have been better prepared to appeal to a wider range of voters. For instance, in one ad, he is at a rally delivering a speech to supporters. In airing this as an ad, he is literally preaching to the already converted.

Similarly, Gray Davis could have benefited from making better decisions regarding his TV ads. He could have garnered greater support from Hispanics if he would have started running his ads sooner. The one featuring Los Angeles council member Antonio Villaraigosa encouraging Hispanics to vote for him should have been running two months ago, not two days before the election.

The legions of white males who support Arnold believe his lies and exaggerations. He is the savior of California. I have never seen such zest and zeal for a candidate. People who have never voted before have registered. They are having homoerotic fantasies about him. That 15 women have come forward with allegations of sexual harassment by Arnold Schwarzenegger and that he is having such trouble courting women voters further highlights who his base of appeal is and their struggle in holding on to power.

Win or lose, this is the white man’s last stand. If elected, having Arnold as governor will be a surreal experience, but he cannot alter the course of history. Perhaps, he can accelerate it. According to some estimates, Hispanics are up to 35% of the population of California. Yet, they’re only 16% of the electorate. Combine this with a higher birth rate and immigration, and it becomes apparent that those who wish to ignore this group’s perception of reality do so at their own peril. Since Proposition 187, Republicans have been swept out of state office, and Democrats have established firm majorities in both legislative houses. This should also cause people, including all those writers critical of Bustamante’s style, to question their perception of reality.

Through the recall process we can see California’s political future. In the first debate, there were multiple candidates, including Peter Camejo of the Green Party. Arnold was conspicuously absent. It’s as if Arnold is an illusion. If Arnold were not running, who would the Republican candidates be? Tom McClintock? Bill Simon? Darell Issa? Richard Riordan? All unelectable extremists. The term “moderate Republican” is an oxymoron.

The Republican Party has endorsed Arnold Schwarzenegger. As a Hispanic who has been educated in the California public school system from kindergarten all the way up through the university, I object to the election of a racist to the governorship of the state of California in the year 2003. That is my perception of reality. In the future, Republicans will either change their spots, or go extinct.
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by me
What a load of blather. "white man's last stand". I really don't know what planet you live on, but it must not be the same as mine. This country is 76% white, so you have quite a long time to wait for us to just...disappear? Perhaps you think that having a Hispanic majority in California is going to allow you to change the entire nature of this society? Grow up. The overwhelming majority of Latinos here are glad they are not forced to go back to the third world hellholes that they or their ancestors left. They speak English. Their kids speak English. Sorry, amigo, but you can stuff that Mecha bullshit back where the sun don't shine.
by huh?
Just because Hispanics are increasing in numbers does not mean a Hispanic will become governor. Look at Texas. They have a large Hispanic population as well. Also, Hispanics as a group are quite diverse including Mexicans, Cubans, Guatemalans, etc. These groups do not vote as a block but, in general, Mexicans have tended to vote for Democrats while Cubans vote Republican. Obviously there is diversity in any ethnic or racial group but we can see some general patterns.

Lastly you write that "Hispanics are up to 35% of the population of California."

How many of those can vote?
by no masters
Do you really think it matters who becomes governor?
The only difference between bustamante might whispers sweet nothings into your ear while he penetrates your sphincter while arnold will just stick it in.
How pathetic is it to be arguing over which master will be beating you for the next few years?
Fuck voting. Let's shut down the economy.
by me
Fuck voting and shut down the economy? And what possible good would that do? Millions without jobs, people thrown out of housing for not paying rent, home foreclosures? We HAD a shut down economy about 1930 and the above was the result. And please don't give me some tired anarchist bullshit about taking everything in the name of - what? NO one supports this, except some delusional leftists. Sorry, but we have a system, it is NOT going away. Educate yourself and find whatever political path you like, because if you work from without you will be forever marginalized and ignored (kind of like the far left is now).
by Ushkana
It should be interesting to note that the farcical war (initiated by the U.S. I might add ;)) which lead up to the infamous 'Treaty Of Guadalupe' was nothing more that a cheap excuse to fulfill the anglocentric vision of 'manifest destiny', even Abraham Lincoln himself knew it well and said so! How ironic is that? I say farsical because like most of what is held as a 'legitimate' claim to lands that were in fact 'misapropriated' by the 'white' population, are in fact a sham. I have something to say to any eurocentric hypocrite that dares argue against what's blatant enough for all but the most imbecilic to see: Here in California of all places Europeans form the largest group of Illegal Immigrants. If you are all for Europeans and can't stand 'minorities'
then I'm all for sending 'Illegals' back to their country of origin... provided YOU go back TO Europe first :-> of course! As a Native American believe me when I tell you that I feel a kinship with the poor mexican immigrants and nothing but disgust for the usurpers who parade around as kings in our ancestral lands. Point is this is our country by right and not yours, you don't see me going over to merry ol' England and saying it belongs to the Native Americans now do you?
by Archivist
Now you've got a real Nazi, and California voted for him. Make of it what you will, but it looks as though the people have spoken...

<IMG src="">
by camejo calls 2% a victory?
in his concession speech (that should have come last month) called his 2% of the vote a win for the green party.
after this the green party will rightfully be labeled the party of idiots, crack pots and lunatics. "but with a few communists sprinkled in for good measure! {big grin}

most of this 2% could have been punched by mistake!
by Gilgamesh
If the rant of this opinion piece were based in reality.

Then the Hispanic Vote in CA would NOT have voted against giving drivers licenses to Illegal Aliens.

And while were on the subject. I keep hearing about how Illegal Aliens pay their fair share of TAXES.

They don't pay property tax, State Income Tax or Federal Income Tax, they don't contibute to Medicare or MediCal... so the only taxes they pay are sales taxes when they want to buy something.

Illegal Aliens work UNDER the Table, which means Under the TAX radar. This gives employers no incentive to pay taxes either.

Check it: A Social Security Number is REQUIRED to pay taxes. Something NOT yet given to an Illegal Alien, unless of course they bought an forged ILLEGAL copy.

No wonder Mexifornia is in Deep Trouble.
by hmm
So the cities voted against Arnold whereas the rural areas voted for him. While there are some rich rural areas, it seems like a large percentage of the rural poor (of all races) voted for Arnold:
by hmm
So the cities voted against Arnold whereas the rural areas voted for him. While there are some rich rural areas, it seems like a large percentage of the rural poor (of all races) voted for Arnold:
by gimme a break
are we going to endure years of nazi references to arnold? re-read what he said about what he admired in terms of hitler. query - if someone admires hitler's tiny mustache, is that person a nazi?

the melodramati-cysts on the behind that is sf.indymedia act as if ahnold is going to break out the brown shirts and goose steps. nothing nazi-like is going to happen. even a screwed up state like california has a constitution and laws. quit your crying.

if you want better leaders, stop voting only for whatever idiot the democratic leaders of cali annoint. vote for a republican now and then to keep everyone on there toes. i'm a conservative and have pulled the "D" many many times.
by hmm
Of the ten richest counties, only Placer voted for the recall and only in Placer did a majority vote for Arnold.

Of the ten poorest counties, ALL voted for the recall and for Arnold.

I would bet that you would see similar trends if you looked at Presidential elections results.

The percentage of immigrants who are not allowed to vote is highest in some of the poorest counties on the list so that could be one explanation but the results are too corrolated to just be that.
by class war
Arnold had no class so he won. Americans like their leaders trashy.
Many rural parts of CA have a few rich whites and a large number of poor immigrant workers who cant vote. Is this part of the reason for these trends?

Does anyone know where one can find a breakdown of voting patterns by income, race and county for California? A breakdown by educational background would be interesting too.
by more data
Exit polls show that the scare tactics didn't shift the women's vote: 53 percent voted for recall, 45 percent opposed it. Early Fox News exit surveys gave Arnold 42 percent of the women's vote, to 37 percent for Bustamante. As for Hispanics, early estimates have 53 percent voting against recall, but 47 percent supporting it. Nor did Bustamante get the overwhelming backing he'd assumed, exit polls gave him 52 percent of the Hispanic vote, with Arnold getting 30 percent. As for that drivers' license bill, 7 out of 10 voters exiting the polls said they don't want it on the books. The only Democratic group that "stayed home" for Democrats was African Americans--according to the exit polls, only 29 percent voted for recall.
by but
How many other governors are into rimming, group sex and starred in gay porn?

You just hate Arnold because your mad that you wont get invited to the parties in Sacramento.
by governator not all conservative
Arnold Schwarzenegger Posed For Erotic Mapplethorpe Nudes
(Los Angeles, California) The reporter who uncovered the Monica Lewinski scandal claims a new scoop: full nude erotic photographs of Arnold Schwarzenegger taken by renowned gay photographer Robert Mapplethorpe.

Matt Drudge, on his Drudge Report, says that "voters have never seen an elected official in such detail."

Although copies of a benign nude photo of the bodybuilder-actor-politician that appeared in the 1970s publican After Dark have been circulating for months on the internet, the Mapplethorpe photos are reportedly "shocking".

In a world exclusive, Drudge reports that pictures so steamy they have been kept under lock at the New York Estate of Mapplethorpe who died in 1989.

Operatives with the Schwarzenegger campaign are reportedly rushing to ensure that pictures are not published.

Mapplethorpe is considered the foremost American photographer of the 20th century. Openly gay, his outrageous homoerotic pictures caused a fury in the 1980s over an exhibit in Cincinnati. The Contemporary Arts Center was charged with pandering obscenity.

The exhibition, funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, included a self portrait of Mapplethorpe with a riding crop inserted in his ass. Other photographs were of male models having sex and close-up shots of penises.

The furor over the exhibit reached the halls of Congress. Led by Republicans, federal funding the arts was slashed.

In his report Drudge does not indicate if the pictures are of Schwarzenegger alone in the photos or if other male models were with him.
by Welcome to California
Arent you proud to be a Californian
you say "I object to the election of a racist to the governorship of the state of California in the year 2003." yet you were willing to vote for Bustamonte. I believe he has been a member of Mecha and as such they are as racists as the sheet wearing douche bags of the south ever could be. after all isn't their motto- "For the race, everything; for those outside the race, nothing?" I like to refer to this as hypocrisy..
by Billy Bob
Now we know why the letters of Francisco Frias don't get published in the newspapers.
Mystery solved. Now can we go on?
by Bubba
Yes, the articles of Francisco Frias don't get published because the Billy Bobs of the world are afraid that criticism, dissent, and intelligent discussion will destroy Billy Bob's perfect bubble where Billy Bob is supreme and content. Little do the Billy Bobs realize that while they have some good qualities, maybe they are not perfect, maybe there's something that others (who don't agree with Billy Bob) are saying that could improve Billy Bob's Bubble.
by Ljordan
here's a response as intellectual as your prose: go back to Mexico.
by RJG
Hey, what about me?
Personally. I am sick to death of all the special interest groups standing up and crying what about me? what are you going to do for me?

The purpose of government is to do the greatest good for the greatest number. Not to take care of or "buy" the votes of so called minority groups.

Francisco, buddy, you proudly proclaim that your are a Hispanic educated in the California school system. I find it interesting that you do not call yourself a Californian or an American. Guess you want to be a Hispanic. Well then so be it. Go back to Hispania, not that there is such a place but go there anyway. Have a good trip and be sure to write if you find work.
by To the 2 posts before this:
So you're sick of catering to those "minority groups" that deserve special attention or services, huh? It's so easy to say that people who were born into tough lives don't deserve help. Especially in a forum when you're anonymous. Take responsiblity for what you are saying:

Pregnant women are a minority, the handicap are a minority, the mentally disturbed are a minority. According to your argument, are you going to tell them to go "home" too? Do away with them? What do you propose to do to them to rid ourselves of such a back-breaking burden? Nazis. You want to tell Mexicans to go home... scream all you want; I have news for you: THIS IS THEIR HOME. This is OUR home, a place of diversity, a majority of diversity, speckled with the tiny minority of racists like you.
by Billy Bob
Grow up.

Quit playing the victim.


End the SOMETHING-HYPHEN-AMERICAN baloney and start calling yourselves Americans. Just like everyone else. Maybe you'll someday start thinking you're an American.

Lose the sense of entitlement crap. It's not working any more. Over.

If you'd rather whine than fish or cut bait, then don't complain when you get hungry.
by Asian-American (hyphen!!!)
The combined minority makes up a majority. Latinos, African Americans, Asians, Women.

YOU assimilate.

No one's whining here. I just read a bunch of scared righties shivering. Funny I never see or hear you people on the street where you have to show your face. HMMMMM... scared scared scared!!!!
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