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Indybay Feature

Board of Supervisors Committee considers complete poster ban

by Larry Roberts (larrybob [at]
The Land Use Committee has a hearing Monday, Sept 22 at 1 pm to consider Fiona Ma's utility pole sign ban legislation.
Monday Sept 22, 1 pm:
SF Board of Supervisors Land Use Committee considers Supervisor Ma's legislation prohibiting posting of signs on lamp posts and utility poles.

It is item 4 on agenda -- click on item number 031273 to read pdf file with legislation. For current law, see SF Public Works Code and search for "5.6", the section number for posting on lamp posts.

It seems likely that the legislation is unconstitutional, as a full ban in Seattle was thrown out last year. Please come and speak your mind at the committee meeting.

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by Larry Roberts (larrybob [at]
I attended the committee meeting and testified against it. There were more people testifying against the item -- in favor of postering, in other words. The item was continued to the call of the chair, which means there is no set date to hear it in the future. It was not killed outright, but it's pretty unlikely it will reappear, at least in this form.
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