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New book about the International Solidarity Movement

by South End Press
"There is a familiar principle of advocacy of non-violence: if you want to be taken seriously, stand beside those who will bear the consequences of following your advice. The internationals are living up to that commitment, and for that alone they deserve great respect and admiration." -- Noam Chomsky, preface to Live from Palestine
“The delegations in occupied Palestine are of unusual significance.… The courageous and honorable people who have gone as active participants in non-violent struggle undoubtedly provide some measure of protection for those who have been suffering for many years under a harsh and brutal military occupation sustained by the US. The information they provide also helps to break through the severely distorted and often racist coverage that dominates in our own country.… There is a familiar principle of advocacy of non-violence: if you want to be taken seriously, stand beside those who will bear the consequences of following your advice. The internationals are living up to that commitment, and for that alone they deserve great respect and admiration."
—Noam Chomsky, Preface to Live from Palestine

Riveting eyewitness accounts of everyday life under occupation in Palestine form the core of this collection of essays. From confrontations in olive groves to the siege of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, these accounts give incontrovertible evidence of the power of solidarity in the face of settler violence and state terror.

Two stories are intertwined in this book: that of Palestinians—calling the world's citizens to join them in nonviolent resistance to the Israeli Occupation—and that of people like Rachel Corrie who have responded by putting their lives on the line. This is the first book to give the inside story of the unprecedented International Solidarity Movement.

Jews and Arabs, North Americans, Europeans, Israelis, and activists worldwide are bringing the world's attention to the brutality of the Occupation, and calling into question the Occupation itself. These are harrowing and poignant accounts from people committed to justice, dedicated to nonviolence, and longing for peace.
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