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Indybay Feature

Impeach the Terrorists!

by Carol Brouillet (cbrouillet [at]
Letter for Senator's Feinstein and Boxer regarding 9-11, their failure to investigate the truth, the results of our People's Investigation, the need to impeach "Bush." today's action at the Federal Building.
September 11, 2003

Senator Feinstein,

In January 2002, I led a delegation to march on your office, meet with your staff, and demand an investigation of 9-11. We raised a number of questions, and I presented your staff with several inches of articles, highlighting reasons for my concern about the events of that day. Your staff said that you had the same information that I had, but a different worldview, and that you believed in Bush.

I do not believe in Bush or in his policies, and it has been apparent to the world for some time that he has been lying on a number of occasions to serve his own interests, and the interests of transnational corporations, at the expense of the vast majority of people and planet in Afghanistan, Iraq, Colombia, Venezuela, the United States and many other countries throughout the world.

In the wake of our meeting with you, Bush and Cheney asked Daschle to limit the investigation of 9-11 to basically- why the C.I.A. failed, and how the C.I.A. could justify an increase in their budget to prevent future terrorist attacks. Adding insult to injury the investigation was to be overseen by Ex-CIA Snider, so that Congress could concentrate on the “War on Terrorism.” What the heads of both the House and Senate Intelligence Committtee, managed to avoid investigating was why they were meeting with the “money man behind 9-11” (Head of Pakistani Intelligence, Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad- who sent $100,000 to Mohammed Atta, whom the F.B.I. identified as the lead terrorist in the attack on the World Trade Center) on the very morning of the attack.

Nor has the appointment of Henry Kissinger and now, Thomas Kean, assured anyone that an investigation dedicated to finding the truth would ever officially occur. Both Kissinger and Kean have financial conflicts of interest and should be investigated for their own roles in 9-11. Our People’s Investigation of 9-11 has led me to believe, along with a growing number of other concerned people that 9-11 was an “inside job,” carried out with the cooperation and assistance from the highest levels of the U.S. government, an act of treason, as well as a crime against humanity, in order to further the agenda of a tiny elite who aim to control the oil and drug resources of Afghanistan and Iraq, and terrorize the country, and world into going along with their agenda.

I sincerely believe that the best hope for the country and the world is to expose this crime and hold those responsible accountable. On the streets of San Francisco, the message I am seeing is- “Impeach Bush,” “Restore Democracy.” The theme of our rally at the Federal Building today was “Impeach the Terrorists!” Not only was 9-11 a special operation, but it was a sloppy one; critical examination of the evidence will persuade most people and a court of law that the real terrorists are occupying the White House and it is our responsibility, as citizens, to rein them in before they commit even worse crimes.

I hope you will bring this to the attention of the Senate.

Carol Brouillet

Our plans are to rally at the Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate Avenue from noon to one p.m., then whoever wants to, will march to Feinstein's office to deliver signed petitions, statements to "Impeach Bush." The new Deception Dollar with Impeach the Terrorists! graffiti, has just been printed and we will pass these out at the rally, marching to Feinstein's office. Please join us!
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by Robert Squires (vacheespanol01 [at]
Examine Dianne Feinstein's record and you shall plainly see that she makes no effort to represent the views of the majority of her constituents. She is very much in favor of the revival of COINTELPRO, this time more power and invasive than ever before. She supports the Israeli lobby, which is just fine until it reaches the point that Jewish Israeli security and expansion interests go so far as to eliminate Arab Muslim voices. It never fails to amaze me to see the supporter of a formerly oppressed people advocating the oppression of yet another people. Yet, this is the Feinstein way. We must do all that we can to 1) draw attention to Feinstein's prejudicial views NOW!; 2) work to replace Feinstein with representation that truly serves the interests of her California constituents.
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