Drug War
Drug War
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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Cocain Cops & Their Hookers

by J.Andy Gallogly (JAndyGallogly [at] juon.con)
This is a small account of the criminal activity
done with police protection.

I had owned a night club in Tampa Florida for seven years.
Before I ever opened the doors I was threatened that were
going to be narcotic trafficking in the club by a sheriff’s deputy
(Rocky Rodriguez).
Not long after we opened I received numerous reports that it
was true and I went to the FBI to report the activity, there advise
was to tell the sheriffs office to witch I replied it is the sheriffs
office (I had called the sheriffs office before to report criminal
activity going on and begged them to come inside to stop it,
the officer said it was private property and there was nothing he
could do and took off in his cruiser). A lot of information came
from strippers pressed into working for these criminals and they
wanted to turn on these guys but no one would help.
After going to the FBI to report the criminal activity I started
receiving death threats. I then had one of the drug dealers get in
my face and say I was playing both sides of the law. To make matters
worse one of the other dealers went to my accountant, told her I was a
racist questioned my books and then told her that he was Keith
Hamilton of Florida’s A. B. T. When she gave me his physical
description I confronted him in the club and told him what I thought
of him. It turns out that this is not the real Keith Hamilton but a dealer
with the sheriffs protection.
A gun was planted in my apartment in Saint Petersburg and I reported
it to the FBI where again nothing happened.
In the seven years I had owned the club I had been witness to
extortion, prostitution, planting of evidence, narcotic trafficking, perjury,
grand theft, mail tampering, assault, to list but a few of the criminal
activity done under the protection of the Hillsboro Sheriffs office.
I have since closed the club and filed a suit. Any help to bring light
to my investigation would be welcome.


J. Andy Gallogly

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