Labor & Workers
Labor & Workers
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Indybay Feature

Surreal Foods

by the monk
Union Busting
The workers at Real Foods on 24th St have been exploring unionisation for some time. According to an ex-employee who stopped me on the street, some of the more vocal and active have recently been terminated. Last Friday 8/29, ironically on the eve of the Labor Day weekend, with no advance notice to either the employees or us the general public, management announced the immediate closure of the store for "remodeling". All workers were fired with two weeks severance pay. I was informed that the workers are planning to file a grievance with the NLRB. Please support these folks in whatever way you can, acquiring and publicizing more information, signing petitions, honoring picket lines if they are set up, boycotting the store when it reopens etc. Act to prevent the continued corporatisation of our community, defeat Newscum. Peace - out. Thankyou.
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