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Dean Bloggers Exposed Sending Duplicate Posts to IMCs and

by Fred
It's one thing to come up with a post and post it multiple places, but this feels like spamming, particularly since the posts are just shallow and predictable nonsense. It's not like they're trying to cover up what they're doing, they're just spraying in all directions, no manners. It's a taste of what to expect from Dr Death himself - shallow spam, and lots of it.
Something Funny about Howard Dean Supporters?
author: curious

There is something curious going on with some of the Dean supporters coming to Portland Indymedia. One has to wonder if all these Dean supporters are merely ordinary people who spontaneously post here, or they an example of a what is called an "Astroturf" operation--an organized political operation designed to create the image of a "grassroots" political movement.

Astroturf or real grassroots? You decide. In this day and image of media manipulation and Psyops- masquerading-as-News, you can never be sure.
Has anybody noticed something strange concerning all the Howard Dean supporters coming to this site? I bring this issue up based upon's recent article concerning Howard Dean and the response that it generated, and the subsequent response of Dean people to similar articles involving Howard Dean posted here on Portland Indymedia.

If you go to the letters page for August 30, 2003 you see numerous letters from Dean supporters attacking Justin Raimondo's article "The Dean Deception." In particular, note the letters from Paul J. Gessing, John Timothy, Geoff DeWan, and John Pierce. The letters can be read here:

What is peculiar is the fact that these same 4 people just so happen to post here on Portland Indymedia in response to articles (including Raimondo's "The Dean Deception") critical of Howard Dean. Not only have Paul J. Gessing, John Timothy, Geoff DeWan, and John Pierce posted in response to these Portland Indymedia articles, but their responses here are almost identical word-for-word to the letters they wrote to!

Think about this. What are the chances of this happening? 4 people who (kinda) support Dean write letters to, and then just happen to surf the internet and stumble across articles critical of Dean here at Portland Indymedia and spontaneously post messages almost verbatim identical to their original letters. This happens not once, but 4 times?! It seems this would be unlikely as any kind of "spontaneous" happening, bur rather be the result of an organized campaign.

In his letter to, Paul J. Gessing writes:

I generally agree with your perspective, but I'd say you are a bit off base regarding Howard Dean. Dean is no peacenik, nor is he a noninterventionist. Any effort to portray him as such may be the result of desperation by antiwar folks like us to project our hopes onto him.

As much as the guy is not a libertarian, I still plan to vote for him because he is the only one speaking the truth about Iraq to Bush's face, and I think the guy has a far deeper understanding of the realities of both the electoral system that he needs to win and the situation overseas.

I, like you, am not sold on all of his politics, but the fact that he's willing to stand up and call Bush a liar while all the other Dems and R's are cowering in the corner or calling for more blood, is at least a start. At this point, I'd vote for most anyone but Bush – except Hillary Clinton.

~ Paul J. Gessing

NOW, in response to the Raimondo article critical of Dean subsequently posted here on Portland Indymedia, Paul J. Gessing (or someone using his name) posts:

A Bit off Base 30.Aug.2003 21:32
Paul J. Gessing

Dean is no peacenik, nor is he a noninterventionist. Any effort to portray him as such may be the result of desperation by antiwar folks like us to project our hopes onto him.

As much as the guy is not a libertarian, I still plan to vote for him because he is the only one speaking the truth about Iraq to Bush's face, and I think the guy has a far deeper understanding of the realities of both the electoral system that he needs to win and the situation overseas.

I, like you, am not sold on all of his politics, but the fact that he's willing to stand up and call Bush a liar while all the other Dems and R's are cowering in the corner or calling for more blood, is at least a start. At this point, I'd vote for most anyone but Bush – except Hillary Clinton.

In his letter to, John Timothy writes:

Your views pro and con on Dean seem to be lot of verbal thinking both ways. Reality, not words, should inform our thinking. The reality of Bush is the record deficits and wars of aggression his administration brought to the USA and the world. The reality of Dean is his experience as a Governor with progressive policies, and his general lack of experience in foreign policy.

As president, Dean would almost certainly inherent Bush's Iraq mess. That is the sad reality forced on all of us by Bush and the neo-cons (Likud sympathizing warmongers in the defense policy board). The big real world problem we now face is how to repair Iraq, and keep the Bush mess from spiraling the whole Mideast into Chaos. Does anyone have any workable suggestions?

~ John Timothy, Bloomington, Indiana

NOW, in his posting to Raimondo's article subsequently posted here on Portland Indymedia, John Timothy (or someone using his name) posts:

Solutions please 30.Aug.2003 20:09
John Timothy

Your views pro and con on Dean seem to be lot of verbal thinking both ways. Reality, not words, should inform our thinking. The reality of Bush is the record deficits and wars of aggression his administration brought to the USA and the world. The reality of Dean is his experience as a Governor with progressive policies, and his general lack of experience in foreign policy.

As president, Dean would almost certainly inherent Bush's Iraq mess. That is the sad reality forced on all of us by Bush and the neo-cons (Likud sympathizing warmongers in the defense policy board). The big real world problem we now face is how to repair Iraq, and keep the Bush mess from spiraling the whole Mideast into Chaos. Does anyone have any workable suggestions?
In his letter to, Geoff DeWan writes:

This is the kind of silliness that got us George Bush in the first place. After three years of having your face ground in the mud you still think that Ghandi is going to return and lead us all to the promised land. The point is Dean, or Gore, or even that scumbag Lieberman wouldn't have gotten us into this war in the first place. Remember that when Bush 43, Part II fulfills one of their favorite slogans – "Men want to go to Baghdad, REAL men want to go to Teheran."

Howard is not the candidate of your dreams. OK. But don't be so hard on yourself. The US is supertanker, it doesn't turn in one election, it's nudged along by degrees, we need someone nudging it in the right direction and with the willingness to let us be one part of the voice of his conscience.

~ Geoff DeWan, Los Angeles, California

NOW, in response to a piece by Jessica Woelke (which originally was a letter to about Raimondo's article) posted here on Portland Indymedia, Mr. DeWan (or someone using his name) posts:

Better than Bush 31.Aug.2003 10:08
Geoff DeWan

This is the kind of silliness that got us George Bush in the first place. After three years of having your face ground in the mud you still think that Ghandi is going to return and lead us all to the promised land. The point is Dean, or Gore, or even that scumbag Lieberman wouldn't have gotten us into this war in the first place. Remember that when Bush 43, Part II fulfills one of their favorite slogans – "Men want to go to Baghdad, REAL men want to go to Teheran."

Howard is not the candidate of your dreams. OK. But don't be so hard on yourself. The US is supertanker, it doesn't turn in one election, it's nudged along by degrees, we need someone nudging it in the right direction and with the willingness to let us be one part of the voice of his conscience.


You can find a similar situation with John Pierce's letter and posts to Portland Indymedia, which I won't repost given their lengths.

Read John Pierce's letter to here at:

And compare to the post by "John Pierce" entitled "Will Iraq be the libertarian ideal? Hell no!" posted on 31.Aug.2003 19:06 here on Indymedia:

Again, like the other 3 cases, there are very similar. I wonder if the Dean campaign is organizing these posts on Indymedia, or are they merely done as part of a informal network of Dean Internet supporters, or possibly just a lone Dean supporter plagiarizing these letters from and reposting them here (kinda like Phony Tony Blair plagiarizing that student paper for his dossier on Iraq's "Weapons of Mass Destruction" ).

Ya never know.

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by Yo yo
i just wanna say:
Fuck Howard Dean.
Yeah. I said it.
the RNC says he's "ultra-liberal". Bullshit.
Fuck Howard Dean.
Fuck the Democrats.
Yeah. I said it.
No, I'm not gonna "shut up".
You gonna make me?
Fuck the polatrixians.
But what the fuck do we do then?
by Fred
Dean Defense Forces: Lobbing E-mail at the Enemy
By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer

When Dotty Lynch, CBS's senior political editor, wrote a column criticizing Howard Dean on foreign policy, she was deluged with e-mails defending the Democratic presidential candidate, often in similar language.

"They were all rather insulting: 'Why don't you do your research?' " Lynch says. "When anything's orchestrated, you sort of smell a rat."

The letters were indeed generated by Dean Defense Forces, a volunteer outfit affiliated with the doctor's campaign. Day after day, the DDF Web log, which is linked to Dean's official site, hammers reporters deemed critical of Dean and urges its followers to flood the in-boxes of offending journalists.

Justin Raimondo (
September 3, 2003

At this point, we've gotten over 200 letters on the subject of my recent column on Howard Dean, and I must say I was somewhat taken aback by the vehemence of the Dean camp. Like their leader, they do not take criticism well. Well, that's tough, because they're going to get a lot more of it, and not only from me. Dean can't credibly claim the allegiance of anti-war voters while saying we must put more troops in Iraq and stay longer. Either the war was a mistake, and we must end the occupation a.s.a.p., or else it wasn't a mistake, and we're in for the long haul.

I don't buy for one minute the lame excuse of "we broke their country so now we're obligated to fix it." Obligated – to whom? If the answer is the Iraqi people, then why not ask them? A real anti-war candidate would call for an Iraqi plebiscite, but Dean – the anti-anti-war candidate – wants to impose a government on the Iraqis in which "Americans have to have the final say." A more sure-fire formula for a protracted guerrilla war in Iraq would be hard to imagine. I'm awful glad Dean is calling for national health insurance to cover the medical costs of every American – because our wounded and maimed-for-life soldiers coming back from Iraq are sure going to need it.
by nuff said
That's the bottom line suckers! No one gives a fuck about what you think because you don't vote. Until you do ALL the politicians will ignore you just like they ignore Raimondo...
by RWF
Given my experience, this quote from the CBS reporter is really funny:

"They were all rather insulting: 'Why don't you do your research?' " Lynch says. "When anything's orchestrated, you sort of smell a rat."

I posted an article of an interview with Dean, with quotes from the candidate, and got attacked for working on behalf of the DLC. Truly hilarious when youy realize that the article that I posted exposed how Dean is taking the DLC line on foreign policy.

There is something sinister about these people, something Nixonian, when they attack people for posting what their candidate says.

Dean was against the war, but is now for the occupation. Iraqis will be allowed the governed themselves except that the US "will have the final say". Dean was against the Cuban embargo, now he's for it. Dean sought support from as a peace candidate, now he want 4 times as many troops in Afghanistan.

Point this out, and you'll get attacked, non-substantively and non-factually by Dean's groupies, organized by his cynical campaign apparatus.

There is something disturbing about entrusting this unaccountable egotist with the power that comes with the Presidency.
by repost
Whatever the fuck you want.

Just don't vote for Dean. Don't put your fake 'smart card' into a fake 'voting machine' with no paper trail. Just say no.

Does Bush win then?

He didn't win before, and he won't win this time either. Corporate minions tell you he won, and they may tell you again. But nobody wins in this game except the mega corporations. He may be with his face in front of the cameras all over again, no matter what you do, if you put that card in those machines, in silence.

Vote Green, Libertarian, Socialist, whatever you want. Don't vote at all. Does Bush win then? Does it matter? The Bush Empire, or the Dean Empire - so what? They're both the corporate party.
Dean's fascism has already started with his league of volunteer brown shirts spamming people. Bush's fascism is well on it's way. It's all fascism. It's all for the corporations.

I won't 'vote' for it.
It doesn't matter whom you vote for. Politicians don't run the country. Politicians don't run the world. Corporations run everything, including the government. They're the real power. It is they, not the governments, that need to be overthrown.
You never took Anthro 101, did you?
Another world is possible.

Except for the Deanies. They've decided that Dean's brand of murderous occupation will be 'different' and 'special' compared to Bush's. And his support for shooting missiles into densely populated cities in Gaza by a military - sorry Deanies, but even Bush isn't as far right on AIPAC support as Dean is.

Deanies are the ones who need to grow up.

As Norman Solomon says, the race right now is not between Bush and a Democrat, it's between the Democrats. Dean is not the top of that pile. Kucinich beats him in every way. There is no reason that people should be choosing Dean at this stage, unless they are hoping for a 10 year occupation, more troops in Afghanistan, continuing death penalty, no significant changes in the healthcare system, Israeli occupied congress, etc., etc.

Deanies are like the girl in a slasher film who keeps doing the stupid things that scared coeds do and everyone is saying "Don't go in there! Don't you idiot! Why would that stupid girl fall for that?" But she does it because supposedly she's so scared she can't think straight.

Deanies are running around with their heads cut off.

Bush is a sickness on our planet, but so is Dean. Anyone who lies in the continual way that Dean does is going to turn on everyone at the drop of a hat. Whose hat? The corporate hat, of course.
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