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Latuff is anti-Semitic, according IMC NYC moderator

by Latuff (latuff [at]
Now it's clear why Israeli bus cartoon was "hidden" on IMC NYC. It's anti-Semitic, according anonymous moderator. In his/her own words: "You've been banned from the Indymedia's of three different countries, though unfortunately not NYC, for your perceived anti-semitism."
by Reap What You Sow
You know you are paticularly evil when even IMC bans an anti-Israeli cartoonist.

If Latuffe is genuinely not an anti-Semite, then hopefully he will sit back and re-examine his cartoons for how even IMC has perceived them as anti-Semetic.

Sadly, I doubt Latuffe has that much personal insight.
by gehrig
I don't think Latuff is necessarily antisemitic -- just tonedeaf and infantile on the subject, and too bullheaded to stop for a moment and consider what he's been told many times from his allies at several different IMCs: the message he's sending isn't quite what he thinks it is. Mind you, his exulting, celebratory tone whenever an Israeli or American is killed violently doesn't help, either.

A word to the wise is sufficient; a word to Latuff apparently is insufficient.

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