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Oakland to pay out 2 million in Bari v FBI

by compilation
OAKLAND -- The City Council agreed Tuesday to pay $2 million to settle the case of Earth First activists Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney.
OAKLAND, Calif., July 16, 2003 (compiled from Oakland Tribune, SF Chronicle, AP reports)

The Oakland City Council voted unanimously in closed session to pay $2 million to settle the civil rights lawsuit of Earth First! activists Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney, who sued Oakland police investigators and FBI agents after the pair were injured in a 1990 car bombing and then were falsely accused of being "eco-terrorists" responsible for the bomb.

Follow link for a little more about the settlement.....
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by Da Lord's Avenger
When does the DNA testing begin, to hopefully determine who put the bomd in Judi Bari's car?
by Usnea
It may be interesting to further explore the connections between Bush, Hurwitz and the Feds. Seem to remeber hearing something about Hurwitz and Bush being friends in Yale, and their continuing connections in the political/business arena since then..

Also, March 17th, the day of the Iraqi invasion, was the same day that Maxxam's climbers like Eric Schatz began "extracting" the tree-sitters by using pain compliance and other illegal tactics..

History shows a collaboration between the powerful interests from Rockefeller (Standard Oil --> Esso --> Exxon) to JP Morgan, timber baron Hearst and the railroad tycoons, with the Bush family (remember Prescott Bush sending money to the Nazis?) absorbing the money as they planned for the future invasions of Iraq..

Just like the dock workers were threatened by FBI when they became too organized during strikes for the liking of the ruling elites, Judi B was targeted specifically by the FBI/Maxxam thugs because she was effective at organizing. She relied on her union background to talk to the loggers, showing them the future of their jobs were at risk from the unsustainable practices of Maxxam's clearcutting. This united loggers and environmental activists against Maxxam and Hurwitz..

Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X and Mumia Abu Jamal all were targeted in a similar fashion by federal agents who were told to take them out of the picture. These three men were effective organizers/reporters who were rallying the public against an injustice..

Often times the feds work with local police/corporate agents/private security to target a specific group/individual. This may well be the case with Judi/Darryl, a collaboration of Maxxam thugs and FBI following the orders of specter Bush (hiding behind his Clinton mask)..

by Usnea
It may be interesting to further explore the connections between Bush, Hurwitz and the Feds. Seem to remeber hearing something about Hurwitz and Bush being friends in Yale, and their continuing connections in the political/business arena since then..

Also, March 17th, the day of the Iraqi invasion, was the same day that Maxxam's climbers like Eric Schatz began "extracting" the tree-sitters by using pain compliance and other illegal tactics..

History shows a collaboration between the powerful interests from Rockefeller (Standard Oil --> Esso --> Exxon) to JP Morgan, timber baron Hearst and the railroad tycoons, with the Bush family (remember Prescott Bush sending money to the Nazis?) absorbing the money as they planned for the future invasions of Iraq..

Just like the dock workers were threatened by FBI when they became too organized during strikes for the liking of the ruling elites, Judi B was targeted specifically by the FBI/Maxxam thugs because she was effective at organizing. She relied on her union background to talk to the loggers, showing them the future of their jobs were at risk from the unsustainable practices of Maxxam's clearcutting. This united loggers and environmental activists against Maxxam and Hurwitz..

Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X and Mumia Abu Jamal all were targeted in a similar fashion by federal agents who were told to take them out of the picture. These three men were effective organizers/reporters who were rallying the public against an injustice..

Often times the feds work with local police/corporate agents/private security to target a specific group/individual. This may well be the case with Judi/Darryl, a collaboration of Maxxam thugs and FBI following the orders of specter Bush (hiding behind his Clinton mask)..

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