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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Free Dolores Park Anti-4th Screening

by x
Yes, it's true! There will be a free screening at 9:00 pm (performances 8:30) of "We Interrupt this Empire" in Park. Spread the word!

Come to the Anti-July 4th kick ass Dolores event.
99% PATRIOT + FAT- FREE** film screening.

Free !
when you order xtra fries with your very own rogue state Now !

and a host of xtra juicy war-resistant shorts

yep, (another) world premiere
right here in the
of our
more or less united Mission district

Dolores Park
@ 19th and Dolores St.

July 4th, 2003

8:30 pm - performances
9:00 pm - films begin

not-yet-confirmed performances by
- The Ronald Reagan Home for the Criminally Insane
( i.e. republican porn )
- Sistah Siren and
- BBQ-ed beats by Enemy Combatant Radio djs

all absolutely Free !
... while earth's supplies last

** Warning: not responsible for nausea ,
and/or belly-aches induced by laughter ,
which may result from viewing film shorts like
" Meatheadus Supremus" and other related "Empire" footage .

Bring yur blankets to sit on or curl up in, an xtra sweater, and
whatever yummy treats you'll need to wash down another star-spangled
independence day in the good ol' US of A.

Did we mention it's FREE ! ?
no ,really !


And don't forget the extraordinary SF Mime Troupe will be premiering
their new show earlier that day in Dolores park at 2pm
" Veronique of the Mounties "

AND then head to The Lab for the opening of

Group Exhibition

July 2-July 12
Opening Reception: Friday, July 4, 5-8 PM
Gallery hours: Wednesdays-Saturdays, 1-6 PM

In an invitational group exhibition coordinated by Michael Rauner and
Allegra Fortunati, Bay Area artists use the public forum for creative
acts of dissent. This exhibition will recognize visual and performed
public artworks about propaganda and war by local activists and artists.


excerpt from press release:

WE INTERRUPT THIS EMPIRE..., a documentary about the anti-war protests
that shut down San Francisco.

What happens when a trigger-happy cowboy with a pocket full of loot aims
his guns on an oil-rich, people-poor nation?

The San Francisco Bay Area Video Activist Network presents the story you
won't see on Fox News: an eye-popping, jaw-dropping look at the Bay
Area's radical resistance to an illegal war.

"We Interrupt This Empire..." is a collaborative work by many of the Bay
Area's independent video activists which documents the direct
actions that shut down the financial district of San Francisco in the
weeks following the United States' invasion of Iraq. With the audio
backdrop including the live broadcasts of Enemy Combatant Radio from the
SF Independent Media Center and the SFPD's own tactical communications
,the documentary takes a look at the diverse show of resistance from the
streets of San Francisco as well as providing a critique of the
corporate media coverage of the war and exploring such issues as the
Military Industrial Complex, attack on civil liberties, and the United
States' current imperialist drive.

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by somegirl
sounds fun =)
by another girl
freely naked. that's right. nudity.
by sfSFsfSFsf
it's summer
by Red Deer
The Palestinians refer to Israeli "Independence" Day as "nakba" ("the catastrophe"). Perhaps we should come up with a word from one of our languages to refer to July 4, in the same frame of reference.
by I Love!
The Palestinians refer to Israeli "Independence" Day as "nakba" ("the catastrophe") and the Jews refer to their ethnic cleanthing by Germans as a 'holocaust".

fair is as fair does!
by Truth;
but who, as it isn't the Palestinians.
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