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Indybay Feature

Riot and Repression in Greece

by Eric Blair
Police and Black Block battle and police seem to win
There were many marches against the European Union Summit today in Thessaloniki, Greece. The Social Forum had ten or more thousand. The Black Block was at least 3,000. We marched on the EUhouse and US consolate. Poeple bagan smashing things. Cops apeared to the right on a side street and about 30 molotovs and tons of rocks drove them back. Cops atacked the back and a huge fight started with lots of tear gas, molotovs and rocks. The police atacked in the front and split the Black Block from the rest of the march. We were then crushed together, paniking and we barely escaped but were all spit up. I made it to the Social Forum stage but police soon split most of the march from the square. I again barely escaped as police used teargas and pepper spray. I then joined the Social Forum march. We passed near the university and got in past the police. There had just been a battle here. There are still riots to the west 4-5 blocks. Police are discussing with the university if they can come in and get us (in most of the world universities are autonomus and police cant enter). They just caught a plain-cloths cop and he was badly beaten. We dont know what to do. We have heard of at least 30 arrests but tons of people are missing and 3 out of 15 in our group have made it back. The march was a huge disaster. Ill try to write more later.
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by never again
>The police atacked in the front and split the Black Block from the rest of the march.

When we're all in one place, all dressed alike, and out in the open, we have about as much chance against the police as the Native Americans had against the cavalry out on the plains.
by yahoo
by reuters
by one
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