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Indybay Feature

Patti Smith in Berkeley

by Charles slay (slaycslay [at]
Patti Smith, Tne Noe Venable Trio and Los Mocosos perform in Berkeley June 15 in a benefit concert for A.N.S.W.E.R.
Top left photo: Noe Venable
Top right: Manny Martinez of Los Mocosos
Middle: Patti Smith
Bottom: Patti Smith and Noe Venable talk with members of the audience between sets.
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by leftly challenged
These pictures are cool and everything, but they can hardly show the utter boredom that was experienced by the crowd before the performers.
Some of my friends compared it to going to Salvation Army and having to pray and listen to their god talk before being fed. pentance or whatever.
Can someone please help Answer to figure out how to not be so boring, you know like learn from groups that don't need leaders to lecture them.
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