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Indybay Feature

Climbers Raid Freswaters Sits, june 17

by Keenwa
Climbers took down 1 treesitter but 2 remained.

Today in Freshwater , Ca. I witnessed a very dangerous act carried out by climbers hired by the Pacific lumber co. to remove tree-sitters and their platforms from trees scheduled to be cut. Two of the people who lived in the trees went out onto rope walkways and couldn't be touched. A third person locked his arms into a barrel full of concrete weighing about 600-800 pounds on a platform at a hieght of 90-100 ft. above ground. Climbers took several hours to think it over and then attached chains around it. Ropes were attached to both the sitter and the barrel and went up through pulleys and then down to others on the ground. They then lifted the barrel and sitter with the ropes and cut the platform away. Once they were on the ground it took several hours for sherriffs to saw, chisle, hammer, jackhammer and grind thier way through the concrete and metal. Durin the eviction I saw over ten gallons of urine and ten gallons of feces thrown out of the trees by contracted climbers. The smell became horrible at times even when watching from 100 ft. up the road. This type of activity is pointless and does more for getting the word out about the situation here than if they would just ignore us.
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by van
Many, many of us are not sitting, dangling, and spreading like you brave campers, but you have our support and admiration.
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