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Labor & Workers
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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Union Practicing Unfair Labor? Yes!

by Lisa Van Wormer (lisabethvw [at]
Unfair labor practices being committed by one of California's largest Stationary Engineering Unions against it's own clerical workers.

Unfair Labor Practices by Union still continue....

It has been more than a year since the first Unfair Labor Practice charge was brought upon Local 39. During the time that this charge was being litigated, a clerical worker was harassed and terminated because of her outside Union involvement.

A settlement agreement was reached in November of 2002 between the charging parties, the NLRB and the Union.

To this day, this Union has continued to go against the provisions in that agreement which basically tells me that they think they are above the law in regards to workers rights and the practices set forth by legitimate labor unions and employers.

I would like everyone to visit a website totally dedicated to the infractions committed by this Labor Union. We need the support of legitimate Labor Unions who still believe that women should have a voice in the workplace, that Unions should not hire unrepresented workers, etc. We also need the support of union members who will be shocked by the travesties committed by this Union.

Please visit: for all of the latest and up to date information.

Thank you!
by A Win For Us!!
This website has been updated since this article. Please visit and support the Local 39 clerical workers.
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