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Indybay Feature

Regulating Toasters

by Nicholas Hart (nick [at]
If this is the toaster with pictures, soon only Wonder Bread will pop out.

Common Dreams has posted the scathing dissenting opinions of the two democrats on the FCC commission (Jonathan Adelstein's and Michael Copp's) who voted against the recent relaxation of consolidation regulations. They are both excellent (though lengthy and assuredly agreeable) but one in particular had a pointed barb that made me laugh my ass off.

I don't know the correct attribution or phrasing of the quote of which FCC Commissioner Adelstein made light. I believe it came from a Reagan-era FCC appointee who claimed television is nothing more than an appliance requiring little more regulation than a toaster. Here's what Mr. Adelstein had to say, using the much-vaunted toaster analogy:

“As big media companies get bigger, they're likely to broadcast even more homogenized programming that increasingly appeals to the lowest common denominator. If this is the toaster with pictures, soon only Wonder Bread will pop out.”

So true. Thanks again, FCC rat-bastards!

by Abraham
Good to be able to read the statements from the 2 democrats who voted against the decision.
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