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Kucinich on the Israel-Palestine Conflict

by Hope Faith
At least he seems as concerned about Palestinians' suffering as he is for the Israelis' suffering (which is minute compared to the Palesitnians thanks to the brutal occupation--- oh sure, there's the occasional hapless Palestinian suicide bomber, but that pales compared to the Israel's state-sponsored TERROR against the Palestinian people day in and day out.)
Statement of Congressman Dennis Kucinich
On H.R. 392

I declare my support for the State of Israel and for the security of the Israeli people. I also declare my support for a Palestinian state and for the security of the Palestinian people. So I will vote present today because I believe the security of Israel requires the security of the Palestinians. 

I will vote present because I believe the United States can do better through honest brokering, and a principled commitment to peaceful coexistence. Today we are missing an opportunity to lead people of the Middle East toward a secure and stable future together. 

This resolution equates Israel's dilemma, which is the outcome of the Palestinian's struggle for self-determination with the United States' campaign against the criminal organization, Al Queda. Unfortunately, our own policy is undefined, amorphous, without borders, without limits, and without congressional oversight. For this Congress to place the historic Israeli-Palestinian conflict into the context of the current fashion of US global policy pitches Israelis and Palestinians alike into a black hole of policy without purpose, and conflict without resolution. 

The same humanity that requires us to acknowledge with profound concerns the pain and suffering of the people of Israel requires a similar expression for the pain and suffering of the Palestinians. When our brothers and sisters are fighting to the death, instead of declaring solidarity with one against the other, should we not declare solidarity with both for peace, so that both may live in security and freedom? 

If we seek to require the Palestinians, who do not have their own state, to adhere to a higher standard of conduct, should we not also ask Israel, with over a half century experience with statehood, to adhere to the basic standard of conduct, including meeting the requirements of international law? 

There is a role for Congress and the Administration in helping to bring a lasting peace in the Middle East, however, this resolution does not create that role. After today we will still need to determine a course of action to bring about peace. This course will require multilateral diplomacy, which strengthens cooperation among all countries in the region. It will require focused, unwavering attention. It will require sufficient financial resources. And it will require that our nation have the political will to bring about a true, a fair, and a sustainable resolution of the conflict. 

When this Congress enters into the conflict and takes sides between Israel and Palestine we do not help to achieve peace, but the opposite. Similarly, the Administration should consider that when it conducts a war against terrorism without limits the principle of war is quickened everywhere in the world, including the Middle East. When it talks incessantly about invading Iraq, the tempo of war is picked up everywhere. If we truly want peace in the Middle East this resolution is counter productive. I will vote present because I do not believe that this resolution dignifies the role towards creating peace, which this Congress can and must fulfill. 

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A few years after the end of World War II, the Zionist plan to establish the nation of Israel in Palestine was finally realized. But not before the British protectors of Palestine were chased out by acts of terror carried out by ungrateful Zionist terrorists. It was the British who had taken Palestine away from Arab control and allowed the jews of Europe to immigrate there. But with Great Britain weakened and in debt from the war, the ungrateful Zionists saw their opportunity to chase the British out of Palestine by committing acts of terrorism against them. The most notorious of the Zionist terror groups was the Irgun, whose leader Menachem Begin would one day go on to become Prime Minister of Israel!

On the morning of July 22, 1946, of 15-20 Irgun terrorists dressed as Arabs entered the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. They unloaded 225 kilograms of explosives hidden in milk churns. 23 The King David Hotel housed the Secretariat of the Government of Palestine and Headquarters of the British Forces in Palestine. When a British officer became suspicious, a shootout took place and the Irgun lit the fuses and fled. The explosion destroyed part of the hotel and killed 91 people. Most of the victims were British but 15 innocent jews also died, proving that radical Zionists are capable of even killing fellow jews in order to advance their cause.

The Irgun terror gang also targeted Arab civilians in order to frighten them into evacuating their land. The most well known of these massacres happened at the village of Deir Yassin on the morning of April 9, 1948. More than 100 Arabs, including women and children were systematically slaughtered by Menachem Begin's murderous gang. 24 The Israelis took over whatever villages the terrorized Arabs fled from.

By 1948, the British had had enough of Palestine. Under intense Zionist lobbying, the UN, the UK and the US recognized the nation of Israel in 1948. One of the first acts of the new Israeli government was to pass "the law of return", which gives any jew in the world the right to move to Israel and become a citizen. Understandably, the Arab nations weren't too pleased about this. There would be a several wars that followed. But the Israelis and their free arsenal of America’s finest weapons kept the Arabs from reclaiming their land. The Arabs have never been a match for the US supplied Israeli war machine. The irony of "the law of return" is that many of today's jews have no direct ancestral link to the jews of the Old Testament. Many, perhaps even most jewish people are descended from the Khazars, a people whose rulers converted to Judaism sometime during the 800's AD. 25 The Khazars never even set foot in Palestine!

The brutal and criminal circumstances surrounding the creation of Israel are now a half century in the past. Even most Arabs understand that Israel isn't going to go away. But by reviewing this real history, we can better understand the deceptive, dangerous, and brutal nature of Zionism today.
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