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Indybay Feature Part of the Problem

by MoveOn Sucks
Political Action Committee has chosen to stick with the losers (Democrats) who refused to represent citizens' voices in the recent past. The recent MoveOn alert, with comments at the end, is posted here for your displeasure. Time to Move On from MoveOn.
Subject: MoveOn Presidential Straw Poll

Dear MoveOn member,

Over the next few weeks, we'll be bringing together MoveOn members, political leaders, and policy folks to develop a big-thinking, forward-looking platform for MoveOn's work. The final document will contain ideas and messages that resonate broadly and move people to action. Especially after the 2002 election, we want to ensure that Democrats and leading progressives are never again indicted for "having no message." It'll also be deeply pragmatic -- an agenda that we can and will accomplish in the coming years.

You'll hear more about that soon, but before we start, we need some input from you. We'd like to involve some of the Democratic candidates in this process, and we want to know which candidates MoveOn members favor. You can cast your vote at:

[Link removed]

We'll ask MoveOn members' favorite few candidates to get involved in the agenda-building process. That will introduce us to the candidates, and demonstrate to the candidates the creativity, intelligence, and power of the broad MoveOn membership.

It may feel early to be talking about the 2004 presidential campaign. In fact, the election cycle is already in full swing: President Bush has quietly laid his plans and assembled his generals. Insiders report that he plans on raising over $250 million in the coming year and a half. On the Democratic side, candidates have been struggling to get their message out for several months.

Unfortunately, ordinary voters have no role at this stage of the process. Instead, the pundits, pollsters and elite donors have all the power. Their cynical judgments, discredited polls and $2000 checks are determining the short list of "electable" candidates from which we will have to choose in our state Democratic primaries.

With our agenda in hand, we can play an unprecedented role in the presidential campaign. But first we need to develop a common agenda. Today's straw poll is the first step. Please take a minute to vote at:

[Link removed]


--Wes Boyd,
MoveOn PAC
May 29th, 2003

Well, you get the idea. MoveOn's straw poll link to a web page listing a bunch of potential Democratic candidates (the usual suspects), and a place to comment. It's clearly obvious that MoveOn is part of the problem, and not the solution. If MoveOn had any backbone whatsoever, they would not reward the other right-wing war party of this nation, the Democratic Party, with
votes in this election. There IS one party which has consistently opposed the war on Iraq, and has not goosestepped behind the liars in the White House. That is the Green Party. MoveOn doesn't even had the cojones to call for impeachment for constitutional crimes in office. What a serious disappointment MoveOn is to serious activism.

There are many more progressive, effective PAC's than MoveOn and its watered-down feel-good latte-liberal campaigns.

It's time for MoveOn to MOVE ON!!!
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Fri, Dec 5, 2003 12:31AM
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