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Kind David Hotel Payback: Suicide bomber 'was British'

Israeli authorities say the suicide bomber who killed three people in an explosion at a Tel Aviv cafe on Tuesday held British nationality.
They believe he was accompanied by a second British citizen, who also planned to carry out an attack, but who fled the scene.

More than 50 people were injured in the suicide bombing at a beachside bar called Mike's Place.

Israeli television has shown passports alleged to belong to the two men, which name them as Asif Muhammad Hanif and Omar Khan Sharif.

The Israeli prime minister's office released a statement on Wednesday evening saying Mr Hanif had been the suicide bomber, and that Mr Sharif had fled the scene after failing to detonate a second explosive device.

A UK Foreign Office spokesman said officials were aware of the Israeli reports suggesting the bomber was British, but he declined to comment on them directly.

He added that the UK was in close contact with the Israeli Government on security matters, condemned all terrorist attacks and would give the Israelis any assistance requested.

The blast came just hours after new Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas won approval for his cabinet and vowed to crack down on militants.

Israel said the suicide attack represented a "complete failure" in security for the new administration.

The BBC's James Reynolds in Jerusalem said the bombing followed a familiar pattern of attacks coinciding with apparent diplomatic advances towards peace.

But the Tel Aviv explosion did not delay the publication of a peace "roadmap" by international mediators.

The plan for peace in the Middle East was presented to Israeli and Palestinian leaders on Wednesday.

Mr Abbas was sworn in as prime minister just hours after the suicide attack, in a ceremony at the West Bank headquarters of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

Saeb Erekat, a member of Mr Abbas' new cabinet, condemned the attack but said the new government was "committed to its security obligations".

"The only way to stop... this cycle of violence is by reviving a meaningful peace process," he added.

Cafe ripped apart

The bombing happened at about 0100 local time (2200 GMT), in a seafront area which is usually very busy at night.

Police said the suicide bomber, who is among the dead, detonated the bomb at the cafe entrance, after failing to get past a security guard.

The front of the cafe was ripped apart by the blast and there was splintered wood and glass everywhere.

The cafe is near the US embassy and reports say those inside included Americans, Britons and French.

Police said most of the injured were young people.

The cafe, Mike's Place, is a popular European-style bar, with some tables outside.


by Can't Keep Em Out
Is there any truth to the rumor that the Israeli's are asking Bush for funding to build a wall around England like the wall they are building in Israel? Certainly they would expect to confiscate huge tracts of London as they are doing in Palestine, but hey...they must do everything (except become a humane decent nation) to prevent suicide bombers from entering Israel.

With the huge Muslim population in the U.S. Jews might also want several walls in the U.S. This would enable Israelis to also add a few thousand more Holocaust Museums in England and the U.S. so they can keep the money flowing into their terrorist state.
by in case U don't know
In case you don't know, Menachem Begin oversaw the terrorist bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, where many British military were headquartered, which killed many civilians both British and Arab, around 72 and wounding many more. Terrorist Mehanchem Begin later became a prime minister of Israel! For more details just do a Google-search on " bombing of King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946". In fact the IDF is an extension of the Zionist terrorist gangs that massacred thousands of Palestinians beginning in 1948 and continuing up to the present time. This is ethnic cleansing, the killing and chasing off of non-Jews for a Jewish supremacist racist country. NO MORE! I call for an end to this use of my tax $$$$$!!!
Does this mean that terrorism actually does pay?
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