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Are We Really Looking for Peace??

The So Called Road Map, Will it work???
A response to reading the new Road Map…..
With so many thinkers on this subject has anyone ever consider the following solution. What would be the downfall of the following solution????
Before or after you read the following article you may want to take time to read the so called Road Map in the works right now at the following Web Page….. But after reading it myself I feel it is set up in a way that it will more then likely fail because the Palestinian State will start out with borders that are a carved up unreasonable mess (therefore the reason for the following article).
A Performance-Based Road Map
to a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST.... The Palestinian-Israeli problem, what is going to come first the end of terrorism, or a Palestinian State? The Israeli say stop the terrorism and we can talk about a Palestinian State. The Palestinian say end the Occupation and the terrorism will stop and we can have a Palestinian State. Since there is no doubt that this fighting back and forth will not solve the problem. Why can we not use reasoning and common sense to correct this tremendous problem? It is a fact that there are Palestinians living in Israel at this time. It is a fact that there are Israelis living in the West Bank and Gaza areas at this time. Taking this into consideration, why not go ahead and draw the borders of these two areas back to 1967. That way Palestine can set up an official government of their own without Israeli Military interference. Israel will no longer have an excuse to cross the official borders of Palestine. Then we can move on from there to some sort of sane plan.
One thing we need to keep in mind is that the undisputed fact is that in the mid 1800’s there were less then 6000 Jewish People living in the area now know as Israel, West Bank and Gaza, and that this was not an empty land but a land inhabited by Palestinian’s both Christian and Muslim for hundreds of years.
The second thing we need to consider is that if we take Israel, West Bank and Gaza, Israel makes up 78% of the area and the West Bank and Gaza make up 22%. We do not have to be anti-Israel or anti-Palestinian to see that what is occurring right now is not working.
Just an example (not written in stone):
1. All of the Israeli Military is removed from the new Palestinian State.
2. A Multi-National U.N. Peace keeping force is set up to see to it that the Israeli people left living in the New Palestinian Country are treated fairly (let us say for an initial period of ten years).
3. The Palestinian people who live in Israel can continue living in Israel and should be treated fairly and live in accordance to Israeli Law.
4. The Israeli people who live in the settlements, if they wish can continue living there with the understanding that they are now living in Palestine and under Palestinian law. (It is not fair to carve the Palestinian Land into a State with unreasonable borders just to suit Israel).
5. Instead of Mass exodus of the Palestinian people to the New Palestinian State and Mass exodus of Israeli people to Israel. A certain amount of time could be allowed for example, lets use a ten-year time frame. Any Palestinian person who wishes to immigrate to the State of Palestine from Israel should be allowed to do so easily. Any Jewish person who wishes to immigrate to the State of Israel from the settlements should be allowed to do so easily. (Many of these Israeli people may want to leave voluntarily if the place they are now living in is actually the country of Palestine and under a Palestinian Government, therefore causing a natural ending of occupation rather then a forced ending).
6. After the ten years or whatever time limit is agreed upon. All Palestinian people who wish to be are Palestinian citizens, with Palestinian passports, etc. The remainder of the population will either have to become Palestinian citizens or be in Palestine on work visas, etc. and have a legal passport from their country of origin or the country they are able to obtain citizenship and consider their home country (example, Israeli passport).
7. After the above time limit. All Israeli people who wish to be, are Israeli citizens, with Israeli passports, etc. or be in Israel on work visas, etc. and have a legal passport from their country of origin or the country they are able to obtain citizenship and consider their home (example, Palestinian passport).
8. The key to success for something such as this is that the Jewish people remaining in Palestine are treated fairly, and the Palestinians remaining in Israel are treated fairly, by so doing it will be shown to each other and the rest of the world that these two Governments are acting in true good will and peace.
9. Israel was incensed by the idea that Palestinian’s might be receiving weapons (The boat load of weapons in question sometime back), but if the Palestinian had these weapons they could fight soldier to soldier instead of resorting to suicide bombings. If they had their own country, they will have a right to have a military to protect its boarders with weapons in a defensive nature, rather then an offensive nature.
The Israel Government would then be able to concentrate its Superior Military on its border so that they can monitor who is coming into the country rather then going into Palestinian areas and demolishing Palestinian homes leaving countless Palestinian people homeless and living in poverty.
With the situation being what it has become today. Is there any reason why this solution cannot at least be discussed?
If you agree with any of the above please send it to persons who are in position to discuss the above as an alternative to the terrible atrocities that are occurring today.
If the above solution was possible, Israel would still have its superior military, and if terrorism were to continue Israel would have just cause to retaliate and the U.S. would have just cause to support them, not to mention that the military could be used to protect Israel’s borders instead of committing atrocities against people in the West Bank and Gaza. As it stands at this time Israel is seen by the Arab community, whether or not it is the complete truth, as a country who confiscates Palestinian land, demolishes Palestinian homes, puts the Palestinians under curfews that are so unbearable that it creates people who are so miserable and desperate that they have to resort to suicide bombings to fight for their freedom and their land. Another thing to remember is that the era of colonization is over, and to have a lasting peace we need to respect the Human Rights of all people and not just those of the Israeli People. Most of us are not anti Semitic and we know of the atrocities of the Holocaust did occur and were wrong. The Palestinian People who are suffering today had nothing to do with the Holocaust. It is hard for the Palestinian People to believe that Israel is serious about wanting peace, when the population of the West Bank Settlements alone went from around 100,000 in the early 1990’s to over 300,000 today, it does not give the Palestinian people much reason to stop fighting for their freedom.
In return for this Palestinian State the refugees will not be allowed the right of return to the State of Israel, but provisions can be made so that they can settle into the new Palestinian State.
A picture is worth a thousand words, to see what occupation really looks like please take time to look at the map in the following web page (remember that Gaza and the West Bank is only 22% and Israel is 78%, the orange areas are Israeli settlements in the already small 22% that is Gaza and the West Bank), please visit the following web page:
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